Preventing Medical Emergencies: Use of the Medical History

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Author: Frieda Pickett

ISBN-10: 158255840X

ISBN-13: 9781582558400

Category: Dental - General & Miscellaneous

Written specifically for dental professionals, hygienists, and assistants, this text describes ways to prevent and manage medical emergencies in the dental office. It is the only text specifically designed for medical history review to identify clinical issues for patients with compromised health.\ The text format follows the outline of the American Dental Association's medical history form and covers patient assessment skills, general pathophysiology, and medical management of patients with...

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Written specifically for dental professionals, hygienists, and assistants, this text describes ways to prevent and manage medical emergencies in the dental office. It is the only text specifically designed for medical history review to identify clinical issues for patients with compromised health.The text format follows the outline of the American Dental Association's medical history form and covers patient assessment skills, general pathophysiology, and medical management of patients with compromised health. Readers will learn techniques for identifying potential emergency risks, clinically relevant treatment plan modifications, and strategies for preventing and managing specific emergencies. Case studies and test questions make the book ideal for both self-study and classroom study.

Chapter 1 Using the Medical History to Prevent Emergencies: Risk Assessment 1Chapter 2 The American Dental Association Health History Form 20Chapter 3 The Dental History 28Chapter 4 Medical Information and Current Drug Therapy 45Chapter 5 Total Joint Replacement and Potential Effects of Bisphosphonates 58Chapter 6 Allergies to Drugs, Environmental Substances, Foods, and Metals 71Chapter 7 Substance Abuse (Controlled Substances, Tobacco Use, Alcohol) 84Chapter 8 Women's Issues (Pregnancy, Lactation, Menopause) and Antibiotic Prophylaxis 101Chapter 9 Blood-Related Abnormalities and Diseases 114Chapter 10 Medical Conditions Involving Immunosuppression 137Chapter 11 Medical Conditions Involving the Cardiovascular System 161Chapter 12 Medical Conditions Involving Neurologic Disorders 181Chapter 13 Medical Conditions Involving Gastrointestinal Disorders and Respiratory Disease 198Chapter 14 Medical Conditions Involving Glaucoma, the Kidneys, and Thyroid Disorders 210Chapter 15 Analysis of Information With Clinical Applications 223Index 235