Prime: Adventures and Advice on Sex, Love, and the Sensual Years

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Author: Pepper Schwartz

ISBN-10: 0061173592

ISBN-13: 9780061173592

Category: Marriage - Biography

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Dr. Pepper Schwartz has spent the past three decades encouraging women to embrace their sexual appetites. But when she became a single woman after 23 years of marriage, she had to take her own advice and discover how sex and dating could work for her at this unique time in her life. Prime is her story of exploration—sex, adventure, and romance—spread out like a road map for women of every age. Whether you're looking to wake up a tired sex life, start a new relationship, or commit to the love of your life, you can find tempting tips and genuinely helpful guidance. Prime invites every woman to relish her sexuality, take risks, and go after what she really wants. Publishers Weekly Schwartz, a sociologist at the University of Washington and sex and relationship adviser (The Great Sex Weekend) starts off with a question she had to ask herself: what should a woman do when she's suddenly single again after 23 years of marriage, hoping for another long-term relationship, or at least sex and companionship? "I feel as sexually alive as I did when I was 25, but the number and availability of men for me has changed," Schwartz writes. Her candid and sexy memoir, targeted toward women in their 40s, 50s and 60s, is both a highly entertaining sexual autobiography and an account of her romantic liaisons in the five years after her divorce. The book is an unusual and appealing mixture of realistic dating tips and shrewd relationship advice interspersed with cautionary tales of Schwartz's rocky relationships with a succession of alpha males Despite the continuing thud of her romantic disappointments, Schwartz doesn't regret the risks she took. Ultimately, she learns to savor the pleasure of just being alive in her own body. For someone who admits that she can let her "hormones create fake intimacy" in her relationships, it's nice to see Schwartz finally enjoying an authentic relationship with herself. (June)Copyright 2007 Reed Business Information

How Did I Get Here?: Asking Questions     1Being Single: Is Sex a Sandwich?     7Discovering Sex and Sexology: Reflecting on the Past     27The Man Who Made Animal Noises: Who's Out There?     56The Lover: Intensity and Passion     78Huge Hands: Seductive Toxic Relationships     132The Commitment: Love and Compromise     155A Special Friendship (with Benefits): Same Time Next Year     192Dancing with a Balinese Cowboy: Trying Things One Might Not Try at Home     220The Pineapple: About Risks and Rewards     255Not Too Long Afterward     261Acknowledgments     263