Prime Movers: The Makers of Modern Dance in America

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Author: Joseph H. Mazo

ISBN-10: 0871272113

ISBN-13: 9780871272119

Category: Dancers & Choreographers - Biography

The lives and works of the choreographer-dancers who created American modern dance come vividly to life in this graceful and witty book. It illuminates such greats as Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn, Doris Humphrey, Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, and Twyla Tharp. Together, they made up the group of geniuses who created a new theatrical dance form that was serious, unique, and, most important, not classical ballet. By concentrating on those artists who fashioned a...

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This revised edition updates the popular first edition. It is about geniuses who created a new dance form: American modern dance. While as different from each other in style, background, and influence as ballet is from modern dance, they were united in purpose. Each wanted to create a new dance form that was serious, unique to the United States, and not classical ballet. They usually danced barefooted, wore comfortable costumes, and danced about subjects they cared about. Individualists with a touch of the evangelist, their life stories captivate the imagination. This book includes all of the geniuses Mazo originally chose: Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn, Doris Humphrey, Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, Alwin Nikolais, Alvin Ailey, Paul Taylor, and Twyla Tharp. It is updated with new material woven into the original sections, a concluding chapter with complete articles from Mazo's extensive writings, a revised Bibliography and a new Videography.