Raising the Banner of Freedom: The 25th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War for the Union

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Author: Bvt Col Edward C. Culp

ISBN-10: 0595276083

ISBN-13: 9780595276080

Category: United States Armed Forces

The story of the American Civil War is best told by those who lived it and endured the hardships, heartaches, and sacrifices on the battlefield and throughout long, hard-fought campaigns. Bvt. Colonel Edward Culp brings us telling accounts of the 25th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, cited in Fox's Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865 as one of the 300 fighting regiments of the Civil War.\ \ \ Cross Keys, 1862."The deafening roar of musketry and the wiz of grape and canister. The...

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Bvt. Col. Edward Culp's exciting campaign narrative of the 25th OVI, 1861-1866, incorporating dramatic writings of fellow regimental veterans.