Red-tailed Boas and Relatives

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Author: R.D. Bartlett

ISBN-10: 0764122797

ISBN-13: 9780764122798

Category: Pet Reptiles & Amphibians

Titles in this series present basic information on reptiles plus specific instructions for their care. Each book opens with a description of the animal as it exists in its natural habitat, then continues with information on its life cycle and distribution in nature. Readers then get advice on selecting a good specimen, determining sex, and providing proper housing, feeding, and health care. Books are heavily illustrated with instructive color photos.

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Titles in this series present basic information on reptiles plus specific instructions for their care. Each book opens with a description of the animal as it exists in its natural habitat, then continues with information on its life cycle and distribution in nature. Readers then get advice on selecting a good specimen, determining sex, and providing proper housing, feeding, and health care. Books are heavily illustrated with instructive color photos.