Redacte su curriculum en ingles

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Targeted to the Spanish-speaking job hunter who is seeking a job with an English-speaking employer, this handy guide covers all the basics. Users will find model résumés and cover letters in Spanish and English, tips on interviewing in English, and essential work-related vocabulary covering a wide range of fields.\ In addition, Spanish-speaking students seeking study or work programs abroad will benefit from helpful resources such as sample letters of application and lists of the...

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Targeted to the Spanish-speaking job hunter who is seeking a job with an English-speaking employer, this handy guide covers all the basics. Users will find model résumés and cover letters in Spanish and English, tips on interviewing in English, and essential work-related vocabulary covering a wide range of fields.In addition, Spanish-speaking students seeking study or work programs abroad will benefit from helpful resources such as sample letters of application and lists of the international equivalents of degrees and diplomas.Practical and easy to use, this valuable resource is the one guide Spanish speakers need for honing their English job-hunting skills.

1Cuando y por que escribir un curriculum91.1El papel del curriculum Para que sirve un curriculum?101.2Que estilo adoptar para su curriculum?14Como interpretar las ofertas de empleo1.3Ejemplos de curriculums161.4Como armar el curriculum46Eleccion del formatoEleccion de secciones, titulos y subtitulos2Como redactar su curriculum572.1Objetivo582.2Descripcion66Lexico complementario2.3Experiencia profesional83Lexico complementario2.4Educacion continua y formacion complementaria1142.5Idiomas1212.6Intereses - Actividades diversas1242.7Otras secciones: Comunicacion escrita y oral - Habilidades tecnicas - Publicaciones - Asociaciones, sociedades, grupos - Premios y distinciones - Referencias1302.8Ejemplos de curriculums comentados1353La carta adjunta1573.1Su papel - El contenido1583.2Redaccion de la carta: las diferentes etapas1623.3Organizacion de la carta1773.4Ejemplos de cover letter1784Estudiantes: secretos y ayudas para armar un expediente1894.1Llenar un formulario de admision a la universidad1904.2Cartas de exposicion de motivos1974.3Cartas de referencia, de recomendacion: a quien pedirselas?, que deben decir?2004.4Lexico para leer bien y comprender un formulario206Indice analitico220