Revenge of the Wannabees (Clique Series #3)

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Author: Lisi Harrison

ISBN-10: 0316701335

ISBN-13: 9780316701334

Category: Teen Fiction - Romance & Friendship

Weeks before Christmas. Alicia and Olivia are on their way to Manhattan so the Teen People editors can do a story on them about winning the Octavian Country Day uniform design contest. When Massie finally processes that the girls who hijacked her victory are also modeling for Teen People, she is livid. It should have been her. 'Ehmagod, what will everyone think when they find out it wasn't me who was asked to model? I will be SO over.' Massie decides it's time to get revenge. This snake can...

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Just weeks before Christmas and the girls are busy at the Body Alive Dance Studio. As Alicia and her exhausted dance friends change out of their Nuala gear (not just for yoga anymore), they discuss their plans for the weekend. Alicia is hands down the most popular girl in the class, not only because she's the best dancer, but because Massie isn't there. Massie hates to dance, so for three hours a week on Tuesday and Thursday, Alicia is the alpha female. And she absolutely loves it. Is the Clique about to be turned upside down?Publishers WeeklyPW said that the debut novel in the series, The Clique, "takes cliquish, snobbish behavior to Hollywood extremes." In the third novel, Revenge of the Wannabes by Lisi Harrison, Octavian Country Day School suffers a mild earthquake when seventh-grader Alicia decides to break away from her best friend's clique to begin one herself. (Mar.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

\ Publishers WeeklyPW said that the debut novel in the series, The Clique, "takes cliquish, snobbish behavior to Hollywood extremes." In the third novel, Revenge of the Wannabes by Lisi Harrison, Octavian Country Day School suffers a mild earthquake when seventh-grader Alicia decides to break away from her best friend's clique to begin one herself. (Mar.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.\ \ \ \ \ School Library JournalGr 6-8-They're back! The rich, designer name-dropping, thoroughly conceited and obnoxious seventh-grade girls of Octavian Country Day School in Westchester, NY, return to compete against one another for who'll be the reigning queen of the school's "in crowd." Super-wealthy, super-indulged Alicia Rivera switches ballot boxes in the vote for a school uniform so that she wins instead of super-wealthy, super-indulged Massie Block. Readers will battle through their annoyance with and desire to choke these two girls, for the believability and humanity found in Claire and Kristen keep the story line moving. Massie and Alicia make mistakes, everyone interferes in the others' lives and loves, and all of the characters learn about their own limitations. But this is not for every collection; not-so-wealthy urban teens might prefer stories by Jacqueline Woodson, and country teens might rather read Audrey Couloumbis's tales of growing and learning without the trappings of flaunted wealth.-Alice DiNizo, Plainfield Public Schools, NJ Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.\ \