Rome's Religious History: Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on Their Gods

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Author: Jason P. Davies

ISBN-10: 0521047919

ISBN-13: 9780521047913

Category: Ancient & Medieval Literature

Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus Marcellinus wrote about the role played by gods in Rome's past. These men wrote around the time of Christ, at the beginning of the second and the end of the fourth century, respectively. Though their lives and periods did not overlap, a great deal of consistency can be seen in the way they presented, or "fine-tuned," religion for their times.

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Explores the writings of three ancient historians on the role of the gods in Rome's history.

1Introduction12Livy and the invention of Roman religion213Gods and men in Livy864Tacitus and the restoration of Rome1435Ammianus and a final settlement2266Conclusions286