Rules of Engagement?- A Social Anatomy of an American War Crime

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Author: Stjepan Gabriel Mestrovic

ISBN-10: 0875866735

ISBN-13: 9780875866734

Category: United States History - 21st Century

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Blackwater, Abu Ghraib and other scandals in Iraq were presaged by the murderous Operation Iron Triangle in May 2006 when US soldiers were ordered to kill all Iraqis of military age. The soldiers were imprisoned; the officer was merely reprimanded. Mestrovic details the American leadership's fake commitment to the Geneva Conventions and the rule of law, fake due process for defendants, fake goals of promoting democracy, and compulsion to repeat our errors in Vietnam.The Blackwater scandal involved killing unarmed Iraqis in accordance with "rules of engagement" that were apparently similar to the case analyzed in these pages.