Saddam's Secrets

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Author: Georges Sada

ISBN-10: 1591454042

ISBN-13: 9781591454045

Category: Generals & Military Leaders - Biography

Georges Sada was one of Saddam's top generals and foremost military advisors. A truth-teller in a government that made the truth dangerous. A devout Christian in a Muslim country. And a man who would stand up for what was right―even at the risk of his own life.\ In this eye-opening exposé, General Sada shares his bizarre yet amazing journey as an insider to one of history's most sinister regimes. He also, for the first time, reveals the disturbing truth about Saddam's plots to destroy Israel,...

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General Sada paints a picture of Hussein, his regime-and his country-that is at once personal and truthful, compelling and sobering.