Saving the Savior: Did Christ Survive the Crucifixion?

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Author: Abubakr Ben Ishmael Salahuddin

ISBN-10: 0970828012

ISBN-13: 9780970828019

Category: Jesus Christ -> Apocryphal and legendary literature

For 2000 years, billions of human beings have believed that Jesus Christ died on the cross and physically rose from the dead. And at least two billion human beings are currently waiting anxiously for Jesus to return. Christians are waiting for him to return to establish the Kingdom of God. Muslims are waiting for him to return physically with someone called "Imam Mahdi" to force the rule of Islam globally.\ In Europe and the United States, a new restlessness is almost palpable, especially...

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For 2000 years, billions of human beings have believed that Jesus Christ died on the cross and physically rose from the dead. And at least two billion human beings are currently waiting anxiously for Jesus to return. Christians are waiting for him to return to establish the Kingdom of God. Muslims are waiting for him to return physically with someone called "Imam Mahdi" to force the rule of Islam globally. In Europe and the United States, a new restlessness is almost palpable, especially amongst the youth. The pews have all but emptied in Europe, while the New Age and other movements are challenging Christianity in America. The promise of paradise on earth in the Kingdom of God no longer seems to attract American youth. In the Islamic world, formal meetings occur all over the globe. And the subject of these meetings is: "Where is Isa [Jesus]? Where is Imam Mahdi?" The youth are looking for new answers, sometimes towards the West. The Imams are worried: "How do we hold our youth?" They continue to promise the arrival of Imam Mahdi and Jesus, "soon." We are now in the third millennium of Christianity and the 15th century of Islam. Jesus has not returned. Why not? The answer appears to be a simple one: He is dead--in this earth. Saving the Savior: Did Christ Survive the Crucifixion? brings to light astonishing bits of powerful evidence detailing a long post-crucifixion life of Jesus Christ. Had Mr. Salahuddin lived in Europe during the Middle Ages, he would have been sent to the rack--no doubt about it. Though it is not likely that humanity will return to the rule of dictatorial priesthood, Jammu Press urges you to take advantage of today's freedoms by purchasing a copy of this explosive and important book. Saving the Savior cannot be dismissed as "speculative." It's all documented. Saving the Savior is the most unique book of its kind. It is well-written, and thus will keep you interested and fascinated from cover to cover. Some particularly unique features of this book include: Original-language documents, presented in the language script, that have not appeared in any prior book, along with English translations An analysis of the document, Against Heresies, written by St. Irenaeus, in which he indicates that Jesus Christ was seen alive in Asia, long after the crucifixion A very, very thorough analysis of the philosophical aspects of this issue, something that has not appeared in any book thus far, and that was sorely needed A meticulous and microscopic look into the world of Islam and the debates surrounding Jesus Christ, even including an analysis of the details of the Arabic language arguments presented by both sides of the debate. The translation of, The Letter of Maulvi Abdullah, a huge first. This letter has never appeared in any Jesus-in-India, or Jesus-in-Asia book before. The Letter of Maulvi Abdullah is the letter that literally began Jesus-in-India studies. The discovery, translation and presentation of this letter in Saving the Savior represents true research at its best. And more! Saving the Savior includes 30 illustrations, pictures and charts that enhance and enliven the text. The book is 408 physical pages in length and includes four powerful appendices. This is one book that you ll read more than once! About the Author: Abubakr Ben Ishmael Salahuddin, author of Saving the Savior, is a passionate explorer of the realm of religion and spirituality and an intense student of comparative religious studies. He was raised as a staunch, loyal Roman Catholic for twelve years of his life. Though a deep lover of his Roman Catholic religion (attending 10:00 a.m. mass every day for twelve years), he could not resolve in his mind and soul what he felt to be a deep injustice: that the prayers of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, as recorded in the Holy Bible, had been rejected by God, and that God had decided that Jesus Christ must be crucified and killed on the cross despite those passionate prayers that he be saved from such an awful death. Each Easter season, on Good Friday the day that Jesus is said to have been killed he would cry silently in his room as he thought about this deep injustice. He would cry until his stomach cramped and ached, so pained was he over the thought that God had rejected the prayers of his "son," Jesus Christ, according to the Holy Bible. He realized, as he stated openly to the Roman Catholic nun of his seventh grade classroom, that "something is missing." Remaining thoroughly loyal to his religion, he nevertheless made a verbal commitment in public that, "I am going to find what is missing. Something is wrong." After graduating from high school, he became actively involved in the social revolution of the 1960s in America. But during this time he never forgot his commitment, and continued exploring, reading and researching. While attending the University of Illinois at Chicago, he met a Muslim named Muhammad Al-Bakri, who exposed him to the religion of Islam. In 1975, he accepted the religion of Islam. Though he had converted from Catholicism to Islam, he never for a moment forgot his commitment to find what was "missing" regarding the injustice of Jesus Christ having been nailed and killed on the cross. Over a period of time (which included a series of rather mysterious circumstances) he came to be aware of the theory that Jesus Christ may have survived the crucifixion. Delving deep into the subject, and also praying and meditating over the matter, he slowly and meticulously gathered information on the subject, culminating, on December 10, 1999, in the introduction to the World Wide Web of his now globally popular and highly respected, Tomb of Jesus Christ Website. A few months after the creation of The Tomb of Jesus Christ Website, he met the great Dr. Fida Hassnain. Dr. Fida Hassnain is the former Director of Archives, Archaeology, Research and Museums for the State of Kashmir, and lives in the city of Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, and the city which houses the tomb of Jesus Christ. Dr. Hassnain graciously and enthusiastically agreed to work with Mr. Salahuddin on collecting ancient documents that mention the sojourn of Jesus Christ in India /Asia after the crucifixion.

List of Illustrations Foreword Preface Introduction "Jesus Who?" Christianity and the New Jesus. The Debate "They seek him here, They seek him there." St. Irenaeus: Jesus seen alive near the age of 100? Wanted: Dead or Alive--The Fight for Jesus in Islam. Quran and Jesus Imam Shaltut Saudi Arabian Newspaper Article A brief mention of Jesus in hadith Jesus the Buddha? Short explanation of Buddhism Teachings of Buddhism The Christian Side The Buddhist Side The Q and Jesus the Buddha The Man who won't go away--Nicholas Notovitch The Discovery Was he really there? A Righteous Wrench in the Works Defender of the Faith The Discovery Jesus in Heaven on Earth Israelite Origin of the Kashmiri People The Cohanim DNA tests From Golgatha to Roza Bal Saving the Savior Jonas and Jesus Pilate at Antonia Pilate sets the time of the Crucifixion Pilate and the Centurion Kersten on Longius More on Dying on the Cross Jewish Burial Practices After the Crucifixion Was Jesus the first savior? Other sheep The Followers of Jesus The Bhavishya Mahapurana The Rauzat-us-Safa Ikmal-ud-Din The Book of Balauhar and Budasaf (Yuz Asaf) The Tarik-i-Kashmir The Tarikh-i-Kashmir (author unknown) The History of Religions and Doctrines The Tarikh-i-Kabir Kashmir The Wajees-ut-Tawarikh The Bagh-i-Sulaiman (Garden of Solomon) Official Decree of the Grand Mufti Signpost outside of the Roza Bal The Carved Footprints inside the Roza Bal The Acta Thomae The Ain-ul-Hayat The Takhat Sulaiman monument Jesus married and had children Selected Teachings of Yuz Asaf Afterword (includes film information) Appendix A: Dr. Thomas Sheehan's Response Appendix B: Sheikh Mahmud Shaltut's Fatwa Appendix C: Acharya S and the Mythicist tradition Appendix D: The Shroud of Turin and the 'DNA of God?' Notes Bibliography Index Illustrations (from List of Illustrations mentioned above) Artist's illustration of Jesus in Kashmir Tomb of Jesus (Frontispiece) Photograph negative of head on the Shroud of Turin Pope John Paul II Dome of the Rock Charts of Quran verses on 'wafa' and 'rafa' Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha) Chart comparing Buddha and Jesus teachings Nicholas Notovitch Dr. Hassnain's translation of Br. Weber's diary Two pages of Br. Weber's diary Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Typical Kashmiri woman with Semitic features Mai Mari Da Asthan (The tomb of Mary, mother of Jesus) Charts of Kashmiri cities, people, with Biblical names Map of the route of Jesus from Jerusalem to Srinagar A beautiful valley in Kashmir Pre-Christian Savior gods Bhavishya Mahapurana Transliteration of Bhavishya Mahapurana The Tarikh-i-Kashmir The Grugtha Thams-chand (The Glass Mirror) The Tarikh-i-Kabir Kashmir The Wajess-ut-Tawarikh The Bagh-i-Sulaiman The Official Decree of the Grand Mufti Signpost outside the tomb of Yuz Asaf Carved footprints of Yuz Asaf inside the Roza Bal Full ventral view of Shroud of Turin