Scooby-Doo Phonics Box Set: #01, Vol. 1

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Author: Ladd

ISBN-10: 0439664780

ISBN-13: 9780439664783

Category: Language Arts - English Language

Introducing the first Scooby-Doo phonics box set!\ Based on the best research on how children develop reading skills, these twelve books introduce a carefully selected progression of letter sounds-starting with the easiest and most common. Each book helps build a young reader's confidence with repeated examples of the letter sounds being focused on, as well as "words to learn" and "words to sound out."

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Based on the best research on how children develop reading skills, these twelve books introduce a carefully selected progression of letter sounds-starting with the easiest and most common. Each book helps build a young reader's confidence with repeated examples of the letter sounds being focused on, as well as "words to learn" and "words to sound out."