Seaweed Ecology and Physiology

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Author: Christopher S. Lobban

ISBN-10: 0521408970

ISBN-13: 9780521408974

Category: Marine Biology - Microorganisms

A rewritten and reorganized edition of The Physiological Ecology of Seaweeds (1985), this book contains a new introductory chapter reviewing seaweed morphology, cytology, life histories and an expanded treatment of tropical seaweeds. The final chapter on mariculture is much larger, and includes a case study on how principles of physiological ecology were applied in developing the carrageenan industry. Also contains an appendix summarizing the taxonomic position and nomenclature of the species...

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This text presents a concise overview of the literature for use by final year undergraduates and researchers.

List of contributorsPreface1Morphology, life histories, and morphogenesis12Seaweed communities693Biotic interactions994Light and photosynthesis1235Nutrients1636Temperature and salinity2107Water motion2418Pollution2559Seaweed mariculture283Appendix: Taxonomic classification of algae mentioned in the text301References308Index359