Selected Poems, Bilingual edition

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Author: Stephane Mallarme

ISBN-10: 0520234782

ISBN-13: 9780520234789

Category: French poetry -> 19th century

The leading poet of French symbolism, Stéphane Mallarmé has exercised an enormous influence both on French and on English and American avant-garde writers.\ In this volume C. F. Mac\ Intyre has translated forty-three of his poems, including the "Ouverture" and "Scène" from Hérodiade, which was to have been a drama in verse, and the well-known L'Après-midi d'un faune, for which Debussy composed his orchestral prelude. The French text faces the English translations, which are both true to the...

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"Mallarmé is our greatest poet."—Jean Paul Sartre

Salut2Placet futile4Une negresse par le demon secouee ...6Les Fenetres8Angoisse12Tristesse d'ete14Aumone16Herodiade20L'Apres-midi d'un Faune46Sainte56Toast funebre58Prose (pour des Esseintes)62Autre Eventail68Feuillet d'album70Rememoration d'amis belges72Chansons bas74Petit Air78Plusieurs Sonnets82Sonnet (pour votre chere morte, son ami)86Le Tombeau d'Edgar Poe88Le Tombeau de Charles Baudelaire90Tombeau [de Paul Verlaine]92Hommage [a Richard Wagner]94Au seul souci de voyager ...96Toute l'ame resumee ...98Autres Poemes et Sonnets100Quelle soie aux baumes de temps ...104M'introduire dans ton histoire ...106A la nue accablante tu ...108Mes bouquins refermes sur le nom de Paphos ...110Notes113Bibliography165