Sex Tips for Gay Guys

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Author: Dan Anderson

ISBN-10: 0312288735

ISBN-13: 9780312288730

Category: Sex - Guides & Manuals - Gay

You think you've got all the moves. And you may. But do you know the preferred moves, mores and man-pleasing tactics for a host of other gay types? From the Campus Queer to the Do-Me Queen, the Twelve Stepper to the Sugar Daddy, Dan Anderson unleashes his expertise to disclose the secret longings of a host of hotties. You'll learn to master such sure-fire tricks as the "Up, Twist, Over and Down", the "Twirl" and the "Head Rub." Anderson and his posse of urban adventurers have seen and done it...

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The coauthor of the cult hit Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man turns to what he knows best. In 1997 Dan Anderson (and Maggie Berman) published Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man, which became a cult hit, still selling strongly in hardcover more than three years after initial publication. Now, with humor that delivers hard, hot, how-to information about how to be great in the sack, Anderson tackles the infinitely more complicated world of man-on-man sex and mating. Readers will master the "Up, Twist, Over and Down," the "Twirl," and the "Head Rub." But Dan knows there are as many types of sex as there are types of men; he'll give the real ins-and-outs of bagging and pleasing thirteen distinct types of mating and dating material, including: the Sugar Daddy, the Leatherman, the Twinkie, the 12 Stepper, the Campus Queer and the Girleen.About the Author:Dan Anderson is the coauthor of Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man. He has lived in New York, Paris, Washington and Philadelphia. Recently he moved to Los Angeles to conduct research into the mating habits of surfer dudes, soap stars, agents-in-training, and other indigenous species. He is single.