Sharks, Skates, and Rays of the Gulf of Mexico: A Field Guide

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Author: Glenn R. Parsons

ISBN-10: 1578068274

ISBN-13: 9781578068272

Category: Fish - Sharks

The cookie cutter shark lives in the deep Gulf, looks like an Italian sausage with bulging eyes, and glows in the dark. It feeds by attaching itself to a sperm whale and gnawing hunks of flesh.\ Often misidentified as a shark, the smalltooth sawfish is really a ray and may be in danger of disappearing in Gulf environs. The twenty to thirty teeth on each side of its snout work well for rooting up food from the sandy bottom or slashing through schools of prey. But the teeth tangle easily in...

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The ideal guidebook for spotting and identifying 42 sharks and 25 skates and rays of the Gulf of Mexico