Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens

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Author: Cindy Neuschwander

ISBN-10: 1570917280

ISBN-13: 9781570917288

Category: Fiction & Literature

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Sir Cumference and Lady Di planned a surprise birthday party for King Arthur, but they didn t expect so many guests to show up. How many lunches will they need? And with more guests arriving by the minute, what about dinner? Sir Cumference and Lady Di have to figure out a quick way to count the guests to bring order to the party. Sir Cumference and his friends have been entertaining young and old alike for years as they introduce important math concepts with clarity and humor.Children's LiteratureHaving noticed that King Arthur seemed a bit gloomy the last time they saw him, Lady Di of Ameter and her husband Sir Cumference decide to throw a surprise birthday party in his honor. They invite "people from the entire countryside" to the celebration, and soon their castle is bursting! Still, as the big day approaches, more people keep coming. So many guests arrive, in fact, that it is difficult to know exactly how many there are. They try having the people form small groups, with limited success. Then, they try having the groups form lines. Finally, they limit the number of people in each line and have them group themselves in batches of tens—and even hundreds. (This is one heck of a party!) Finally, the king arrives. The celebrants' dance brings a smile to his face, and soon everyone is digging into the cake. Will there be enough when a group arrives from the city of Addingmore? Neuschwander's amusing tale is an appealing way to explain the concept of place value to elementary students. Geehan's illustrations are witty and add appropriate detail to the story—the cook's expressions, in particular, are not to be missed. Reviewer: Heidi Hauser Green