Skeleton Key, Volume 1: Beyond the Threshold

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Author: Andi Watson

ISBN-10: 0943151120

ISBN-13: 9780943151120

Category: Alternative Comics

Tamsin Mary Cates' boring high school existence is turned upside down when she obtains the Skeleton Key, an artifact that can open doors to anywhere.\ Liberated from her small Canadian hometown, Tamsin becomes involved with a Japanese fox spirit, tea-drinking witches, and a closet monster. Can she cope with a typical teenage school life of parties, friends, bullies, and kung fu, as well?

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Tamsin Mary Cates' boring high school existence is turned upside down when she obtains the Skeleton Key, an artifact that can open doors to anywhere.Liberated from her small Canadian hometown, Tamsin becomes involved with a Japanese fox spirit, tea-drinking witches, and a closet monster. Can she cope with a typical teenage school life of parties, friends, bullies, and kung fu, as well?