Spirits Captured in Stone: Shamanism & Traditional Medicine among the Taman of Borneo

Library Binding
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Author: Jay H. Bernstein

ISBN-10: 1555876919

ISBN-13: 9781555876913

Category: Alternative Medicine - General & Miscellaneous

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PrefaceNote on Transcription1Introduction12The Taman People, Their Customs, and Their Social Structure133Therapeutics, Pharmacopoeia, and Medical Pluralism314Explanations of Illness and Their Conceptual Framework535Becoming a Balien776The Work and Equipment of the Balien1097Balienism in Society1418Conclusion163App. A: Glossary173App. BKey to Plants Used in Medicine and Ritual179App. CField Methods183App. DNote on the Value of the Rupiah187App. EMusical Description of the Balien Chant189Bibliography191Index201About the Book209