Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace: The Visual Dictionary

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Author: David Reynolds

ISBN-10: 0789447010

ISBN-13: 9780789447012

Category: Film Genres

The Visual Dictionary is the essential guide to Episode One of the continuing Star Wars saga. DK's renowned Eyewitness style brings the characters, costumes, droids, and gadgetry of the Star Wars universe to life in astonishing visual detail. Highly defined, annotated photography shows and explains the culture, background, and technology of this unfolding epic struggle between good and evil. See the terrifying anatomy of Naboo sea monster, a wild podrace on Tatooine, Battle Droids in combat....

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Exciting photography and exhaustive research reveal all the Star Wars: Episode 1 characters, creatures, droids, and equipment. See the new, digitally created cut-away views of C-3P0's photoreceptor eye, the inner workings of a battle droid's head, and Yoda's lightsaber. Explore the extensive Jedi and Sith weaponry, the Podracers, Pit droids, viewscreens, and Gungan battle equipment. Then delve into the secrets of Anakin's hovel and Watto's junkshop and every detail of the Destroyer Droid weaponry and equipment!","Star Wars: Episode 1: The Visual Dictionary brings DK's world-acclaimed visual style to the new Star Wars universe with high-quality annotated photographs detailing every important feature of the characters, creatures, costumes, droids, and equipment found in the first Star Wars prequel. Author David West Reynolds was given extensive access to the famed Lucasfilm archives at Skywalker Ranch in California. Key objects from the movies have been re-photographed and even re-created by expert consultants from Industrial Light and Magic, George Lucas's award-winning special-effects production company. The result is a unique and fascinating reference work that reveals the characters and creatures of the new adventure as they appear nowhere else! David West Reynolds is the foremost authority on Star Wars and the author of previous titles in this series. He was given unrestricted access to Episode 1 film sets, prop-makers, costume designers, and scriptwriters. Reynolds, who holds a Ph.D. in archaeology from the University of Michigan, spent many weeks researching the extensive Lucasfilm archive at Skywalker Ranch in California.

The Old Republic   6-7 Mace Windu   8 Yoda   9 The Jedi High Council  10-11 Qui-Gon Jinn   12-13 Obi-Wan Kenobi   14-15 The Neimoidians   16-17 Neimoidian Forces  18-19 Battle Droids   20-21 Destroyer Droids   22-23 Queen Amidala   24-25 The Queen's Handmaidens  26-27 Battle Droids   20-21 Destroyer Droids   22-23 Queen Amidala   24-25 The Queen's Handmaidens  26-27 Padme   28-29 The Naboo   30-31 Captain Panaka   32-33 Naboo Pilots  34 R2D2   35 Jar-Jar Binks   36-37 The Gungans   38-39 Gungan Warfare  40-41 Sea Monsters of Naboo   42-43 Darth Maul   44-45 Anakin Skywalker   46-47 Shmi Skywalker  48 C-3PO   49 Watto   50-51 Sebulba   52-53 Podrace Crews  54-55 Podrace Crowd   56-57 Inhabitants of Mos Espa  58-59 Chancellor Valorum   60-61 Senator Palpatine   62 Senators   63 Acknowledgements  64