State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa

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Author: Richard Joseph

ISBN-10: 1555875335

ISBN-13: 9781555875336

Category: General African History

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Acknowledgments1State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa32The Third Wave of Democratization in Africa: Ambiguities and Contradictions153Rethinking Democratic Transitions: Lessons from Eastern and Southern Africa394The Reconfiguration of Power in Late Twentieth-Century Africa575The Economic Bases of Democratization836Globalization and African Democracy957Crisis Management and the Making of "Choiceless Democracies"1198The "Mauritius Miracle": Democracy, Institutions, and Economic Policy1379African Polities: The Next Generation16510Governance and the Reconstitution of Political Order17911Senegal's Enlarged Presidential Majority: Deepening Democracy or Detour?19712Testing Democracy in Benin: Experiments in Institutional Reform21713Race, Class, and Neopatrimonialism in Zimbabwe23914The Role of Citizenship Laws in Multiethnic Societies: Evidence from Africa26715Local Governance, Democracy, and Development28516Ethnic Politics in Africa: Change and Continuity29917Ethnic Insecurity, Peace Agreements, and State Building31918State, Civil Society, and Genocide in Rwanda33919Autocracy, Violence, and Ethnomilitary Rule in Nigeria35920A First Look at Second Elections in Africa, with Illustrations from Zambia37721Ghana: The Challenges of Consolidating Democracy40922Challenges to Democratic Consolidation in Namibia42923State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa: The Complex Process of Renewal451List of Abbreviations467Bibliography471About the Contributors511Index515About the Book527

\ BooknewsContains papers from the March 1997 Conference on African Renewal held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After overviews on democratic transitions in Africa, sections discuss the political economy of democratization, political restructuring and regime politics, elections and democratization, and ethnicity, conflict, and insecurity. Paper edition (unseen), $22.50. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.\ \