Still Eatin' It: A New Dana Crumb Cookbook

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Author: R. Crumb

ISBN-10: 0943389186

ISBN-13: 9780943389189

Category: General & Miscellaneous Cooking

Dana's latest cookbook is fun to read, fun to look at and fun to cook from. This unique cookbook contains great recipes, fun advice, hard learned wisdom, and amusing anecdotes from a fabulous cook who is also wryly humorous, delightfully droll, and the survivor of a thoroughly fascinating life.

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Dana's latest cookbook is fun to read, fun to look at and fun to cook from. This unique cookbook contains great recipes, fun advice, hard learned wisdom, and amusing anecdotes from a fabulous cook who is also wryly humorous, delightfully droll, and the survivor of a thoroughly fascinating life.

Dedication8Preface9Foreword10Introduction11Culinary Brilliance: an Instruction Manual14Desserts28Eggs and Quiche46Main Dishes58Salads70Picnics96Breads104Nurturing The Sick112