Stop Sitting on Your Assets: How to Safely Leverage the Equity Trapped in Your Home and Transform It into a Constant Flow of Wealth and Security

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Author: Marian Snow

ISBN-10: 0979014204

ISBN-13: 9780979014208

Category: Personal Finance - General & Miscellaneous

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That's when we learned to buy a home and pay it off as quickly as possible. It made sense in the conditions that existed back then. It doesn't make sense today. How would you like to Safely leverage and compound assets you didn't realize you had? Become your own bank and build family wealth? Pile up stock market gains, but never take the losses? Lock-in a rich, secure and carefree retirement? Transform the IRS into your wealth-building partner? Create real wealth, empowering you to help others? Get to your existing retirement funds with little or no taxes? Leave a fortune for your heirs?Stop Sitting On Your Assets makes these strategies crystal clear - and you can apply them with security and ease. If you own a home, you owe it to yourself to know about today's new reality: You are sitting on a potential fortune that can safely and confidently be put to work to build a massively abundant financial future. A future so rich that - before Stop Sitting On Your Assets - could have only existed in your dreams.

Foreword     1Introduction     5Unseen Thieves Are Robbing You In The Night     13The C.O.F.F.E.E. Crisis... Are We Forfeiting a Fortune Unknowingly?     31Do You See With Real Wealth Vision or Through the "Glasses of the Masses"?     45Depression-Era Thinking In the 21st Century     55The H.E.R.O. Solution     65What's a S.A.F.E.T.Y. Fund And How Can It Be My Personal Fort Knox on Steroids?     91Your S.A.F.E.T.Y. Fund Assets Must Be Put To the Real Wealth L.A.W. Tests     105Become Your Own Bank     141Home Insecurity     157H.E.R.O. Solution for IRA-Savers, Under-Savers And Non-Savers     177So We Should Just Donate More Than A Month of Our Valuable Time Every Year? Are We Crazy?     189You Should Never Refuse Help From Your Uncle     197Want to Recycle and Explode Into Multi-Million Dollar Riches? Why Not Take The Stairs?     211Beware! You're Destined To Be the Victim of the Nation's Biggest Bully!     229You'd Better Check the "Expiration Date" on Your Retirement Account     243Turn Your House Into An Amazing Retirement Machine     263Travel Down the Road of Life With Real Wealth Vision     279Epilogue: Home Free - Our New Reality TV Series     291Finding Your End of the Money Rainbow     321Glossary     335