Student Body of Law for Texas: Everything College Students Need to Know about the Law

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Author: Scot Courtney

ISBN-10: 1928662099

ISBN-13: 9781928662099

Category: Students & Student Life - College

For many students, college is a transitional time from living at home with their parents to living independently in dorms, student apartments or in fraternities and sororities. Often they will encounter new situations that will require good judgement and a strong understanding of the legal ramifications of their actions. In plain language, Scot Courtney spells out what laws impact your collegiate lifestyle in an entertaining yet extremely informative guide for students. This book separates...

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For many students, college is a transitional time from living at home with their parents to living independently in dorms, student apartments or in fraternities and sororities. Often they will encounter new situations that will require good judgement and a strong understanding of the legal ramifications of their actions. In plain language, Scot Courtney spells out what laws impact your collegiate lifestyle in an entertaining yet extremely informative guide for students. This book separates fact from fiction on legal issues and how Texas law affects you.Covering diverse topics such as partying, apartment leases, credit cards, travel abroad, self-defense, hazing and hot checks, this is the perfect resource for anyone attending a Texas college or university, or any young adult transitioning into the "real world."

Introduction     1Some Good Advice     4Your Legal Rights     10Crime & Punishment     25Adult vs 21     47"Let's Party!"     60Self-Defense, Guns, & Weapons     108Apartments, Leases, Housing     118Transportation     130Credit Cards, Banks & "Hot" Checks     154Traveling Abroad     162Guilt by Association     168Just for the Women     179Conclusion     193Index     194