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Author: Christy Steele

ISBN-10: 0739835564

ISBN-13: 9780739835562

Category: Arthropods - Arachnids

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\ Children's LiteratureThis entry in the "Animals of the Rainforest" series includes information about how tarantulas survive in the rainforests of Central and South America, their future in the rainforest, a map where a particular member of a species is located, charts, and sidebars of interesting facts. Since there are over 800 species of tarantula, many are found in other areas around the world, except for Antarctica. The text discusses two types, ground-dwellers and tree-dwellers. A short chapter is devoted to what the animal eats which is meat, including small lizards, snakes and frog. Apparently, it has no predators itself or at least none are mentioned in the text. In addition to the animal's life cycle, the book also discusses unique features including the spider's use of hairy sensors, its inability to digest anything but liquid so its use of injections to render its prey into juice. Research is further supported by a glossary, well selected and vibrantly colored photographs but with modest mostly descriptive rather than informative captions, an index, a few Internet sites, and a useful address to which to write. 2001, Steck-Vaughn, \ — Susan Hepler\ \