Tears of the Oppressed: An Examination of the Agunah Problem: Background and Halakhic Sources

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Author: Aviad Hacohen

ISBN-10: 0881258679

ISBN-13: 9780881258677

Category: Customs, Practices, & Rituals - Judaism

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IntroductionvForewordviiAcknowledgmentsxvChapter 1Background1Chapter 2A Word of Caution4Chapter 3Attitudes of Compassion and Leniency6Chapter 4Relaxation of the Laws of Evidence Concerning Agunot: Example of a Methodology Favoring Leniency17Chapter 5The Uniqueness of the Problem in Our Day20Chapter 6The Basic Sources for Kiddushei Ta'ut23Chapter 7The Rishonim and the Codes: Stringent and Lenient Approaches34Chapter 8The Responsa Literature45Chapter 9General Principles to be Derived from the Precedents93Chapter 10Conclusion98Afterword103Glossary105Appendix (Responsa of Chapter 8)108Index Following Appendix159