The 25 Best Reptile and Amphibian Pets

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Author: R.D. Bartlett

ISBN-10: 0764132512

ISBN-13: 9780764132513

Category: Pet Reptiles & Amphibians

Every terrarium hobbyist and prospective owner of reptiles or amphibians will want to read, reread, and constantly refer to this fact-filled, color-illustrated book. It offers enthusiasts detailed advice and information on everything from choosing and acquiring an animal to its feeding, housing, breeding, and health care. The author, an expert herpetologist, discusses advantages and disadvantages of acquiring captive-bred animals verses collecting them from the wild. He also advises on which...

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(back cover) An expert herpetologist advises you on . . . Advantages and disadvantages of acquiring captive-bred animals Advantages and disadvantages of collecting animals from the wild Reptiles and amphibians you should avoid collecting Maintaining properly heated and lighted cages and terrariums Treating the animals’ injuries and ailments