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Author: Stephen R. Covey

ISBN-10: 0743269519

ISBN-13: 9780743269513

Category: Business Life & Skills

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Stephen R. Covey's incredibly successful book is a pathway to wisdom and power. It offers a revolutionary program to breaking the patterns of self-defeating behavior that keep us from achieving our goals and reaching our fullest potential, and describes how to replace them with a principle-focused approach to problem-solving.

Part One: PARADIGMS AND PRINCIPLESInside-OutThe Seven Habits -- An OverviewPart Two: PRIVATE VICTORYHabit 1 Be ProactivePrinciples of Personal VisionHabit 2 Begin with the End in MindPrinciples of Personal LeadershipHabit 3 Put First Things FirstPrinciples of Personal ManagementPart Three: PUBLIC VICTORYParadigms of InterdependenceHabit 4 Think Win/WinPrinciples of Interpersonal LeadershipHabit 5 Seek First to Understand, Then to Be UnderstoodPrinciples of Empathic CommunicationHabit 6 SynergizePrinciples of Creative CooperationPart Four: RENEWALHabit 7 Sharpen the SawPrinciples of Balanced Self-RenewalInside-Out AgainAppendix A: Possible Perceptions Flowing out of Various CentersAppendix B: A Quadrant II Day at the OfficeProblem/Opportunity IndexIndex