The American Irish: A History

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Author: Kevin Kenny

ISBN-10: 0582278171

ISBN-13: 9780582278172

Category: United States History - General & Miscellaneous

THE AMERICAN IRISH: A HISTORY\ The story of the Irish in North America reverberates through the modern period.\ As many as seven million Irish men, women and children have crossed the Atlantic for North America since 1700. Almost five million of them went to the US between 1820 and 1920 alone. This vast movement of people was of great historical significance on both sides of the Atlantic: it played a fundamental role in the shaping of modern Ireland, and it determined in mnay respects the...

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More than 45 million Americans today can claim some degree of Irish ancestry. Kevin Kenny covers the period of 1700 - 2000 when more than seven million Irish men, women and children migrated to the USA and examines the concentrated mass migration of five million which occurred between 1820 - 1920. This vast movement of people played a significant role in the shaping of modern Ireland and America. .Offers an extended analysis of the conditions in Ireland which led to the mass migration, as well as, the effects in the economic, political and cultural development in the United states.Those interested in the Irish American population and their history. Also available in Hardcover 0-582-27818-X.

1. The Eighteenth Century.Ulster.Emigration.Arrival and Settlement.Religion and Politics.The Scotch-Irish in 1790 and After.2. Before the Famine.Economy and Society in Rural Ireland.Emigration, Arrival and Settlement.Labor and Race.Religion.Nativism and Abolitionism.3. The Famine Generation.An Gorta Mor.Emigration.Arrival, Settlement and Labor.Religion, Nativism and Politics.Being Irish in America.4. After the Famine.Economy and Society in Rural Ireland.Arrival and Settlement.Labor and Gender.Nativism and Politics.Religion.Nationalism.5. Irish America, 1900-1940.The Irish in Ireland and America.Labor.Alcohol and Culture.Nationalism.Religion.Municipal Politics.National Politics.6. Irish in America Since World War II.Prosperity.The Irish-American Community.Religion.Municipal Politics.National Politics.Nationalism, I.Nationalism, II.