The Birth of the Banjo: Joel Walker Sweeney and Early Minstrelsy

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Author: Bob Carlin

ISBN-10: 0786428740

ISBN-13: 9780786428748

Category: African American History - Social Aspects

Joel Walker Sweeney was, in essence, the Elvis Presley of the 1840s. A professional banjo player, Sweeney introduced mainstream America to a music (and musical instrument) which had its roots in the transplanted black culture of the southern slave. Sweeney, an Irish-American born midway between Richmond and Lynchburg, Virginia, sampled African American music at a young age. He then added more traditional southern sounds to the music he heard, in essence creating a new musical form. The only...

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Joel Walker Sweeney was, in essence, the Elvis Presley of the 1840s. A professional banjo player, Sweeney introduced mainstream America to a music (and musical instrument) which had its roots in the transplanted black culture of the southern slave. Sweeney, an Irish-American born midway between Richmond and Lynchburg, Virginia, sampled African American music at a young age. He then added more traditional southern sounds to the music he heard, in essence creating a new musical form. The only avenue available to a professional banjo player was that of traveling minstrelsy shows and it was this route which Sweeney used to bring his music to the attention of the public. Beginning with the banjo's introduction to America and Great Britain, the book provides an overview of early banjo music. The volume then discusses the evolution of American minstrelsy (i.e., black face) and the opportunities it provided for artists such as Sweeney. Correcting previous fallacies and misconceptions (such as Sweeney's supposed development of the five-string banjo), the work discusses Sweeney's roots, his music and his contribution to the physical development of the instrument. An appendix contains a performance chronology. The work is also indexed.

Acknowledgments     vPreface     1African American Roots     3The Origins of Black Face Minstrelsy     6The Birth of a Banjoist     19On the Road in Great Britain     34Back in the United States: Touring with a Minstrel Band and Final Days     46The Virginia Minstrels and the Dawn of the Minstrel Show     55Ethiopian Serenaders: British Minstrelsy After Sweeney     76The Banjo in Australia     84Minstrel Touring in the American South     89P.T. Barnum's Black Face Adventures     102Sweeney's Repertoire     109Joel Walker Sweeney and the "Invention" of the 5-String Banjo     127Sweeney's Influence     138Sam Sweeney: War Years with J.E.B. Stuart     152A Sweeney Performance Chronology     163Chapter Notes     167Selected Bibliography     185Index     191