The Book of Romans

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Author: Gib Martin

ISBN-10: 1418509922

ISBN-13: 9781418509927

Category: Romans, Letter of Paul to the -> Bible study guides

We live in a shifting culture that screams, "It's all relative."How can we stand firm in our beliefs? Inform and protect yourself by understanding Christianity's greatest truths. The Smart Guide to the BibleTM: The Book of Romans breaks difficult concepts into easy-to-comprehend bites of knowledge. You'll go verse by verse through the Apostle Paul's overview of theology and reap the eternal rewards of truly knowing-and applying-the cornerstones of the Christian faith.

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We live in a shifting culture that screams, "It's all relative."How can we stand firm in our beliefs? Inform and protect yourself by understanding Christianity's greatest truths. The Smart Guide to the BibleTM: The Book of Romans breaks difficult concepts into easy-to-comprehend bites of knowledge. You'll go verse by verse through the Apostle Paul's overview of theology and reap the eternal rewards of truly knowing-and applying-the cornerstones of the Christian faith.

Introduction     iiiThe Necessity of FaithA Servant's Longing     1Called to Christ     6World-Class Faith     9Shout It from the Housetops     15Righteousness from God     16Take Two     20Judgmentalism and Hypocrisy     25Wake Up!     27A Long Line Called History     29Face the Facts     30Counterfeit Righteousness     33Godliness Is an Internal Affair     35God's ForgivenessIn Search of Righteousness     39A Heart That's True     40Who's the Better Sinner?     43Paul the Bible Thumper     44Paid in FullPaid in Full     47God Is the Only One with Bragger's Rights     48Abe's Faith     51First Affidavit: Our Forefather Abraham     51Second Affidavit: Our Forefather David     55God of All     57The Purpose of Promise     59The Very First Promise Keeper     60The Benefits of Beloning to Christ     63Loving the Ugly Duckling     67Wanted: A New Covenant     69Grace Is on the House     71One Part Sin, Five Bezillion Parts Grace     73Experiencing GraceA Life-or-Death Situation     77There's No Winning in Sinning     77United with Christ     79Knowing Is Half the Battle     83Whose Slave Are You?     85What's in It for Me?     87The Tension of Two Natures     91Death Unlocks the Shackles     91Magnifying Our Sin     94Commandment and Conviction     97Law vs. Sin     98A Noble Struggle     100The Triumph of Spirit-Guided Living     107God's Gift     108You Are God's Home     112Our Inheritance     115This Is Your Destiny     121We Shall Overcome     123Jews and GentilesGod Is in Charge     129A Promise Kept     133Passionate Compassion     136Gracious Patience     139Faithful Remnant     140Faith Avenue     145The Zeal Deal     145The Nearness of God     149You Are Invited     152A Lesson in Contrasts     156Israel's Destiny     159God's Track Record     160A Down Payment with More to Come     167Stern Kindness     169Beloved Enemies     173To God Be the Glory     175A Grace-Filled ChurchHow to Do Church     179Sacrifice Your Body     179Spread the Wealth     183Be a Determined Disciple     186Your Right to Revenge Has Been Revoked     191God and Country     195Rebel with a Cause     198Count on Consequences     200Won't You Be My Neighbor?     202Wake Up and Smell the Coffee     204Keeping Peace     209In God's Kingdom, We're All the Same Height     210Who Are You to Judge?     213Food Isn't Worth It     216Keep First Things First     218Paul's Beatitude     220Come Together     225Born to Serve     226One Mind and One Mouth     229A Model of Servanthood     230Just Doing My Job     234Leave the Light on for Me     238A Fond Farewell     245Good Job, Friends!      249Watch Out for Troublemakers     253So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good-Bye     255"To God Be the Glory" and Then Some     256The Book of Romans Overview     261Everybody's Gospel     261Romans the Short Way     262Critical Truths     264Romans on Being Human     264Romans on God     268Romans on Believers     271Romans Packs a Punch     275The Answers     279The Experts     285Endnotes     288Index     XXX