The Canterbury Tales

Mass Market Paperback
from $0.00

Author: Geoffrey Chaucer

ISBN-10: 0671727699

ISBN-13: 9780671727697

Category: Classics By Subject

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This Norton Critical Edition includes the most admired of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.Publishers WeeklyLike Charles Lamb's edition of Shakespeare, Hastings's loose prose translation of seven of Chaucer's tales is more faithful to the work's plot than to the poet's language. This is not a prudish retelling (even the bawdy Miller's tale is included here) but the vigor of Chaucer's text is considerably tamed. In the original, the pilgrims possess unique voices, but here the tone is uniformly bookish. The colloquial speech of the storyteller is replaced by formal prose; for example, while Cohen (see review above) directly translates Chaucer's ``domb as a stoon'' as ``silent as stones,'' Hastings writes ``in solemn silence.'' Cartwright's startling paintings skillfully suggest the stylized flatness of a medieval canvas, but often without the accompanying richness of detail. Like Punch and Judy puppets, the faces and voices of these pilgrims are generally representative but lack the life and charm of the original text. Ages 10-up. (Oct.)

General Prologue 1The Knight's Tale 26The Miller's Prologue 85The Miller's Tale 88The Steward's Prologue [The Reeve's Prologue] 105The Steward's Tale [The Reeve's Tale] 107The Cook's Prologue 118The Cook's Tale 120Introductory Words to the Man of Law's Tale 122Prologue to the Man of Law's Tale 125The Man of Law's Tale 127Epilogue to the Man of Law's Tale [of disputed authenticity] 158The Wife of Bath's Prologue 159The Wife of Bath's Tale 182The Friar's Prologue 193The Friar's Tale 195The Summoner's Prologue 205The Summoner's Tale 207The Cleric's Prologue 223The Cleric's Tale 225Chaucer's Happy Song 258The Merchant's Prologue 260The Merchant's Tale 262Epilogue to the Merchant's Tale 292Introduction to the Squire's Tale 293The Squire's Tale [unfinished] 294The Landowner's Prologue [The Frat/Hitts Prologue] 313The Landowner's Tale [The Franklin's Tale] 314The Physician's Tale 337Introduction to the Pardon Peddler's Tale [Introduction to the Pardoner's Tale] 345The Pardon Peddler's Prologue [The Pardoner's Prologue] 347The Pardon Peddler's Tale [The Pardoner's Tale] 351The Shipman's Tale 365The Host's Merry Words to the Shipman and the Prioress 377Prologue to the Prioress's Tale 378The Prioress's Tale 380Prologue to Sir Thopas 387Sir Thopas 388The Host Stops Chaucer's Narration 395The Tale of Melibee 397The Prologue of the Monk's Tale 431The Monk's Tale: De Castbus Virorum lllustrium [The Fall or Illustrious Men] 434The Prologue of the Nun's Priest's Tale 457The Nun's Priest's Tale of Cock and HenChauntecleer and Pertelote 459Epilogue to the Nun's Priest'sTale 475The Second Nun's Prologue 476Prayer to the Virgin Mary 478The Second Nun's Tale 481Prologue of the Cleric-Magician's Servant [The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue] 495Tale of the Cleric-Magician's Servant [The Canon's Yeoman's Tale] 500The Provisioner's Prologue [The Manciple's Prologue] 520The Provisioner's Tale [The Manciple's Tale] 523The Parson's Prologue 530The Parson's Tale 533Here the Maker of This Book Takes His Leave 597Notes 599