The Cat Fanatic: Quirky Quotes on Frisky Felines

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Author: Charles Elliott

ISBN-10: 1592285023

ISBN-13: 9781592285020

Category: Cats

“No cat purrs unless someone is around to listen.”\ —Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, American ethologist\ “Cats . . . appear to regard human beings who may be domiciled with them rather as part of the furniture than as comrades.”\ —Louis Robinson, author of Wild Traits in Tame Animals\ You’re either a cat person or you’re not, but one thing’s for sure, The Cat Fanatic is the purrr-fect read for both feline fanciers and, surprisingly, foes. Filled with hundreds of quotes that both celebrate and...

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Judging from the amount of thought devoted over the centuries to figuring out what goes through their furry little heads, it is probably safe to say that cats fascinate more human beings than any member of the animal kingdom, with the possible exception of dogs, horses, and other human beings," begins this delightful collection. Charles Elliott has created a cat book of a different color, sifting through the multitude of writings about felines to include only those quotes "made memorable by their seriousness, humor, perceptiveness or ingenuity." Here is an unexpectedly wide range of writers and personalities. There are classic sayings from: Elizabeth BishopErma Bombeck Lewis Carroll Geoffrey Chaucer William Churchill Colette George Eliot James Herriott P.D. James Rudyard Kipling Doris Lessing Herman Melville Nancy Mitford Damon Runyon Elizabeth Marshall Thomas Mark Twain John Updike And many more. Ernest Hemingway One cat just leads to another.

A selection of quotes from The Quotable Cat Lover:\  \ "Cats invented self-esteem."--Erma Bombeck\  \ "There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person."--Dan Greenburg\  \ "Any relationship with human beings other than equality is impossible for the cat."--Felix Salten

\ Ernest HemingwayOne cat just leads to another.\ \