The Caveman Mystique: Pop-Darwinism and the Debates over Sex, Violence, and Science

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Author: Martha McCaughey

ISBN-10: 0415934753

ISBN-13: 9780415934756

Category: Homosexuality

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Has evolution made men promiscuous skirt chasers? Pop-Darwinian claims about men's irrepressible heterosexuality have become increasingly common, and increasingly common excuses for men's sexual aggression. The Caveman Mystique traces such claims about the hairier sex through evolutionary science and popular culture. After outlining the social and historical context of the rise of pop-Darwinism's assertions about male sexuality and their appeal to many men, Martha McCaughey shows how evolutionary discourse can get lived out as the biological truth of male sexuality.Although evolutionary scientists want to use their theories to solve social problems, evolutionary narratives get invoked by men looking for a Darwinian defense of bad-boy behaviors. McCaughey argues that evolution has nearly replaced religion as a moral guide for understanding who we are and what we must overcome to be good people.Bringing together insights from the fields of science studies, body studies, feminist theory and queer theory, The Caveman Mystique offers a fresh understanding of science, science popularization, and the impact of science on men's identities making a convincing case for deconstructing, rather than defending, the caveman.

Acknowledgments     VII"Welcome Back to the Caveman Times": An Introduction     1Sperm Wars, Sex Wars, and Science Wars     21Downsized Cavemen Going Apeshit     21Moral Disdain for Men     25Sperm Wars     27Sex Wars     32Science Wars     34Homo Resurrectus: The Theory of Evolution as a Moral Answer for Men     41Darwin's Theory and the Crisis in Morals     41Darwinism as the Second Coming     45Darwin's Soldiers: A Salvation Army     49The Scientific Truth that Will Set Us Free     51Moral Answers for the Moral Animal     54Science and Certainty     57The Caveman as Resurrection     60Homo Habitus: Evolution, Popular Culture, and the Embodied Ethos of Male Sexuality     63The Caveman in Popular Culture     63Caveman Therapy     66Caveman Desires     70Caveman Edutainment     72Moral Lessons for Cavemen     75The Caveman as Embodied Ethos     80Homo Sexual: Perverting Evolutionary Stories of Male Sexuality     85How to Pervert Evolutionary Theory     85Evolution and EvolutionaryTheory Are Already Perverted     89Heterosexual Masculinity as the Origin of the Origins of Heterosexual Masculinity     92Homosexuality as Heterosexuality ... as Homosexuality     98Setting the Evolutionary Record Queer     101Do Gay Brains Make Better Politics?     103Learning to Live with Perversion     106Homo Textual: A Missing Link between Science and Culture     111Popularity and Reality     111Evolutionary Theory and Scientific Certainty     115Evolutionary Insights for a Change     120Beyond the Grand Narrative of Science     126Beyond the Science Wars     127A Great Leap Forward     132Notes     141Index     159