The Civil War: A Book of Quotations

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Author: Bob Blaisdell

ISBN-10: 0486434133

ISBN-13: 9780486434131

Category: United States History - 19th Century - Civil War

More than 700 quotations provide a running narrative by the many who lived through or died in the Civil War. The voices of the great and famous, the ordinary and the unknown, resound in these pages. Arranged chronologically and divided by specific topics and events, this well-researched volume puts a human face on history.

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More than 700 quotations provide a running narrative by the many who lived through or died in the Civil War. The voices of the great and famous, the ordinary and the unknown, resound in these pages. Arranged chronologically and divided by specific topics and events, this well-researched volume puts a human face on history.

Pre-War to 1861218611018623918639018641301865162Post-War176Sources178Index182