The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft

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Author: Denise Zimmermann

ISBN-10: 1592575331

ISBN-13: 9781592575336

Category: Witchcraft, Wicca & Paganism - Modern

Seriously spellbinding. \ An invaluable resource for beginners and adepts alike, this best-selling and frequently recommended book on Wiccan magick and witchcraft has been updated and revised, now featuring a Year-and-a-Day calendar for the solitaire who is beginning to explore Wicca on his or her own.\ • Loads of new spells\ • New for this edition—a Year-and-a-Day calendar\ • Expanded information on creating a personal grimoire and book of Shadows—the witch's spell manual and “bible”\

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This guide offers a beginner's look at the history of paganism, Wicca, and witchcraft, from the Druids and Celts to the witches of today who practice an earth-based religion, cast spells, and perform natural magic. The book, written by a practicing witch, reveals details of the witches' Sabbaths, ceremonies, and altar

I: Wicca Wisdom. 1: All About Wicca and Witchcraft. Welcome to Wicca and Witchcraft. Supernatural Abilities? Or, Super Abilities in the Natural? Embracing Our Energy. What Do Witches Look Like? Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch? Ever Met a Witch? What Do Witches Believe? Three Times Bad and Three Times Good. And If It Harms None, Do What You Will. Witches Do Believe in God. Witches Don't Believe in Satan! Are You Ready for Magick? 2: The History of Wicca and Witchcraft. Searching the Spirit of Each Thing. Paleolithic Gods and Goddesses. Nurturing a Fertile World: The Rise of Ritual. Pathworking with the Shaman. Of Popes and Pagans. From Gregory to Innocent: Papal Bull. Monk Madness: The Malleus Malleficarum. Enduring and Surviving the Crucible. King James I's Witchcraft Act, 1604. Salem, 1692. Meeting in the Shadows and Emerging into the Light. Solitary Pursuits. The Crucible as a Metaphor for Persecution. A Return to the Natural. Witchcraft for the New Millennium. 3: Practicing Wicca and Witchcraft Today. Starting Your Practice of Wicca and Witchcraft. All Kinds of Witches. The Witches' Coven. The Tradition of the Craft. Solitaire. The Eclectic Witch. The Hereditary Witch. Solitaire or Coven Life? Pros and Cons of Coven Life. Pros and Cons of Going Solo. Neophyte Witch Seeks Training! Training in a Coven. Dedicated to the Craft. Initiation: Earning Your Degree. Life as a Coven Member. Priests, Priestesses, and Elders. Training as a Solitaire. A Trip to Your Local Metaphysical Store. Wicca Workshops and Courses. Wicca Books, Videos, and the Internet. When the Student Is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear. II: The Wiccan Way. 4: Wiccan Deities: Homage to the Lord and Lady. In the Beginning, the All. Homage to the Lord and Lady. Who Is the Lady, and Where Is She? Who Is the Lord, and Where Is He? How Do You Relate to the Lady? Luna: Maiden, Mother, Crone, and Enchantress. As a Woman: The Female Mysteries. As a Man: The Male Mysteries. The Charge of the Goddess. How Do You Relate to the Lord? Nature's Royal Prince, King, and Elder. As a Woman: The Female Mysteries. As a Man: The Male Mysteries. Charge of the God. Who Are All the Other Gods and Goddesses? The Pantheon: Getting the Big Picture. Working with Deities: Sometimes Light, Sometimes Dark. Choosing Your Pantheon: Some Famous Deities. 5: So You Want to Be a Witch? Why Do You Want to Be a Witch? A Self-Exploration. More on the Witches' Council and the 13 Goals of a Witch. Following the Wiccan Way. The Wiccan Rede. Honoring the Wiccan Rede. To Know, to Dare ... All You Need to Put Yourself in Tune with Magickal Energy. Magickal Purpose. Magickal Concentration. A Good Finger. Your Place in the Universe. 6: What You Need to Do Magick. Secrets of the Witch's Magickal Cabinet. Choosing Your Magickal Toy Chest. What Are Magickal Tools? How Do You Use Magickal Tools? Storing Magickal Tools. Witches Love Toys! A Basic Magickal Inventory for Beginners. For More Advanced Magick. Where to Find Magickal Stuff. Metaphysical Stores, Catalogs, and the Internet. Flea Markets and Found Objects. Magick Craft: Making Your Own. Oh, What to Wear? What to Wear? From High Priests and Priestesses to Covenmaids. Can Witches Do Magick in Street Clothes? Secrets of the Witch's Wardrobe Closet. A Cloak of Stars: Skyclad. Robes, Dresses, Hoods, and Shoes. The Ultimate Accessory: Jewelry. Adorning with Body Art. 7: Observing Ritual the Wiccan Way. What Is a Wiccan Ritual? Why Perform a Magick Ritual? When to Do Ritual. When Not to Do Ritual. All Kinds of Wiccan Ceremonies, Rites, and Rituals. Performing Ritual as a Group. Ritual Solitaire Style. Moon Magick: Esbats. Sacred Times: The Witches' Sabbats. Making Magick Takes Preparation, Body, Mind, and Spirit. All the Parts of a Wiccan Ritual. How to Design a Wiccan Ritual. A Guide to Wiccan Ritual Etiquette. Dressing Up: Choosing the Right Clothes and Jewelry. Inviting Friends and Family to Share. Animals Join In. Recording Your Wiccan Ritual. Crafting Your Witch's Book of Shadows. Grimoires and Books of Shadows. Why Start Your Own BOS? Witches' Knowledge: What to Put in Your BOS. How to Choose Your BOS and Organize It. Where to Keep Your BOS and Who Should See It. What Happens to Your BOS When You Die? III: So, You Want To Do Magick? 8: Dedicate Yourself to the Craft. First, Take Your Magickal Name. The Significance of a Magickal Name. Why Take a Magickal Name, and When? Choosing Your Magickal Name. What Your Magickal Name Says About You. Coming to Your Magickal Name: A Self-Exploration. The Name of Rebirth. Numerology: Your Destiny and Life Path Numbers. Your Name in a Magickal Alphabet. Can You Change Your Magickal Name? A New Path in an Old Way of Life. What It Means to Dedicate. Taking Your New Name in Dedication. How to Do Your Own Self-Dedication. 9: Preparing to Do Ritual. A Cleansing Ritual Bath. Why a Bath Is Important and When to Take It. How to Take a Ritual Bath. Consecration: A Means of Empowerment. What Does It Mean to Charge Your Magickal Tools? A Charging Ritual for Your Magickal Tools. Learning to Ground Yourself Before Ritual. Visualization Techniques You Can Use. Focus Is No Hocus Pocus. Fasting Before Ritual. Magick Music. Using Music in Ritual. Chants: Find Your Magickal Voice. Drumming. 10: Where to Do Magick. Sacred Rituals Need a Sacred Place. What Makes a Sacred Place Sacred? How Is a Sacred Space Different from a Magick Circle? Coming to Your Sacred Wicca Space: A Self-Exploration. Setting and Respecting Sacred Boundaries. Crafting an Altar. What's So Special About an Altar? What Do Altars Look Like? Altar Specs. Altars Big and Small. Location, Location: North, South, East, West. Sanctuary: Indoor vs. Outdoor Altars. Permanent vs. Moveable Altars. What Goes on Your Altar? Porta-Pagan: Carrying Your Altar with You. 11: Cast a Magick Circle. What Is a Magick Circle? When to Cast a Circle, and When Not To. Round vs. Square. Getting Started. How to Cleanse the Sacred Space. How to Define the Circle. How to Put Up the Circle. Where's the Altar? Summon, Stir, and Call: Calling in and Working with ... The Elements. The Elementals. The Deities. The Ancestors. The Watchtowers. Dragons. Entering and Exiting a Magick Circle. Working Magick Within the Magick Circle. After the Magick Is Done. Relaxation: Good Communication. Conversation Within the Circle. How to Take Down the Circle. The Circle Is Open, But Never Broken. 12: The Witches' Symbol. All About Pentagrams. Pentagrams vs. Pentacles. How Old Is the Pentagram? What Does the Pentagram Stand For? Five Points. Pick Your Pentacle. The Path of the Pentagram. Pentagrams in the Air. What About Inverted Pentagrams? To Wear, or Not to Wear ... IV: Working Magick. 13: Esbats: Moon Magick. Esbats: Wicca Celebrates Moon Magick. Working with Lunar Energy. The New Moon: Initiation. The Waxing Moon: Growth Potential. The Full Moon: Your Heart's Desire Seek. The Waning Moon: Taking Away. The Dark Moon: Take a Break. Drawing Down the Moon. Once in a Blue Moon. Seasonal Moons of the Lunar Calendar. January: Wolf Moon. February: Storm Moon. March: Chaste Moon. April: Seed Moon. May: Hare Moon. June: Lover's Moon. July: Mead Moon. August: Wyrt Moon. September: Harvest Moon. October: Blood Moon. November: Snow Moon. December: Oak Moon. Blood of the Moon. Menstruation, Magick, and the Lunar Cycle. 14: Observing the Sabbats. All About the Sun. What Are the Sabbats? As the Lord and Lady Travel the Wheel of the Year. Quartering the Year: Greater and Lesser Sabbats. Natural vs. Human-Made Holidays. Celebrate! Light the Balefire: When to Celebrate. As a Solitaire, or in a Group. What's in a Wiccan Sabbat Ritual? The Wheel of the Year. Samhain (October 31): Halloween, the Witches' New Year. Yule (December 21): Winter Solstice. Imbolc/Candlemas (February 2): Rebirth of the Sun. Ostara (March 21): The Spring Equinox. Beltane (April 30): Handfasting of the Lord and Lady. Summer Solstice (June 21): A Midsummer Dream. Lughnassad (August 2): The Early Harvest. Mabon (September 21): Harvest Festival. 15: Summon, Stir, or Call. Summon, Stir, Call, Request, or Invite-Which Is Right? The Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Dragons. The Guardians of the Watchtower. Winds. A Little Help from Your Friends. Fairies. The Elementals. Tree Spirits. In the Company of ... Deities. Angels.