The Darwin Experience: The Story of the Man and His Theory of Evolution

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Author: John Van Wyhe

ISBN-10: 1426204736

ISBN-13: 9781426204739

Category: Naturalists - Biography

Celebrating both the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the electrifying publication of On the Origin of Species, here’s the story of the man and the theory that opened a new chapter in the history of science—transformed into an engaging interactive experience that invites readers to unfold natural selection, evolution, and their challenging implications just as Darwin’s contemporaries did a century and a half ago.\ The year 2009 will definitely be...

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Celebrating both the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the electrifying publication of On the Origin of Species, here’s the story of the man and the theory that opened a new chapter in the history of science—transformed into an engaging interactive experience that invites readers to unfold natural selection, evolution, and their challenging implications just as Darwin’s contemporaries did a century and a half ago.The year 2009 will definitely be Darwin-centric, with major museum exhibitions, international symposiums, and much more, all scheduled to commemorate the double anniversary of a great scientist and the opening volleys of a controversy that still sparks debate and curiosity. Combining science, travel, culture, and history, this book is an elegant, richly illustrated volume that offers not just hundreds of full-color photographs but also a trove of removable facsimile documents that bring the subject alive.These fascinatingly diverse memorabilia include letters, maps, photographs, sketches, newspaper articles, and more, providing telling glimpses of Darwin’s life as never before, from his early expedition aboard the Beagle to his meticulous, seemingly arcane research in the Galápagos Islands to the practical observations and theoretical conclusions that won him a pivotal place in the history of science.

\ From Barnes & Noble"[All] living things have much in common, in their chemical composition, their germinal vesicles, their cellular structures, and their laws of growth and reproduction…. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one, and, that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning, endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved." After a century and a half, the grandeur and wonder of Charles Darwin's ideas remains fresh and unblemished. This large-format pictorial history of the Victorian gentleman scientist and his revolutionary theory captures the excitement of "the Darwin experience" by presenting 30 removable facsimile documents and more than 200 full-color illustrations.\ \