The Doctrine of Revelation: A Narrative Interpretation

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Author: Gabriel J. Fackre

ISBN-10: 0802843360

ISBN-13: 9780802843364

Category: Narration in the Bible

Revelation is the study of how, when, and where God reveals himself and of what is disclosed. This book is an excellent introduction to revelation that brings its subject into the theological inquiry of the next century.\ In discussing the major themes of the narrative of revelation, Gabriel Fackre provides an overview of the traditional models of revelation, introducing readers to the work of such twentieth-century giants as Barth, Tillich, Rahner, and Henry. He also provides dialogue with...

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Revelation is the study of how, when, and where God reveals himself and of what is disclosed. This book is an excellent introduction to revelation that brings its subject into the theological inquiry of the next century.In discussing the major themes of the narrative of revelation, Gabriel Fackre provides an overview of the traditional models of revelation, introducing readers to the work of such twentieth-century giants as Barth, Tillich, Rahner, and Henry. He also provides dialogue with other formative figures, such as Pannenberg, Dulles, Berkouwer, Torrance, and Lindbeck.By focusing on Scripture, while also making reference to the core secondary literature, Fackre leads readers through the key concepts involved in the construction of a biblically centered doctrine of revelation. Currents in Theology & Mission "This book should be appreciated by all as an introduction to one of the foundations of theology. A parish pastor would be helped through its focus on "the Grand Narrative" in Scripture, for in preaching weekly on the pericopes, pastors sometimes do lose the big picture. Students in theology should find helpful the reclaiming of the grand tradition of theology in the twentieth century."

IntroductionModels of Revelation: A Narrative Interpretation Prologue God: The Trinitarian Source of Disclosure PART I: GENERAL REVELATION Creation: The Invitation to Know God The Fall: The Noetic Consequences of Sin The Covenant with Noah: The Grace of Preservation PART II: SPECIAL REVELATION The Covenant With Israel: Elective Action Jesus Christ: Incarnate Action Scripture: Inspiration PART III: REVELATION AS RECEPTION The Church: Ecclesial Illumination Salvation: Personal Illumination Consummation: Eschatological Illumination Epilogue God: The Revealer Revealed Index

\ Anglican Theological Review"Fackre's book remains true to its series' stated purpose of returning to the themes of systematic theology, and engages a wide variety of previous theological work in its effort to pursue a narrative approach to similar questions. As the author himself states in his conclusion, his work is richly "suggestive, but not exhaustive.""\ \ \ \ \ Currents in Theology & Mission"This book should be appreciated by all as an introduction to one of the foundations of theology. A parish pastor would be helped through its focus on "the Grand Narrative" in Scripture, for in preaching weekly on the pericopes, pastors sometimes do lose the big picture. Students in theology should find helpful the reclaiming of the grand tradition of theology in the twentieth century."\ \ \ Religious Studies ReviewThis volume is well researched, creatively developed, and elegantly written.\ \