The Faith of Barack Obama

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Author: Stephen Mansfield

ISBN-10: 1595553444

ISBN-13: 9781595553447

Category: Law, Politics, & Government

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Get inside the mind and soul of Barack Obama. In this audio, New York Times bestselling author Stephen Mansfield takes listeners inside the mind, heart, and soul of presidential hopeful Barack Obama as a person of faith, as a man, as an American, and possibly as our future commander in chief. America faces looming inflation, climate change, a national credit crisis, war in the Middle East, threats to security and liberty at home, and skyrocketing oil and gas prices. With all of these threats to our security, prosperity and freedom on the horizon, it has never been more important to choose the right leader for America. If a man's faith is sincere, it is the most important thing about him, and it is impossible to understand who he is and how he will lead without first understanding the religious vision that informs his life, writes Mansfield.Publishers WeeklyAs a veteran communications professional, it comes as no surprise that Mansfield commands an easygoing conversational speaking style that helps buffer some of the potentially loaded issues he chooses to tackle. While he may be best identified by his ties to the conservative evangelical community, Mansfield possesses the ability to explore divergent ideologies while acknowledging some of his personal red flags with a tone of utmost respect. Listeners in search of a definitive, comprehensive Obama spiritual biography may not find the level of dramatic new revelations they were hoping for, but Mansfield succeeds in adding thoughtful theological and political context to events and experiences. Perhaps the most captivating section involves Mansfield's account of a Sunday visit to Trinity United Church of Christ, the congregation from which Senator Obama resigned his membership following publicity surrounding controversial statements by founding pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Mansfield presents an analysis of Obama's distinctly postmodern journey that will generate valuable discussion across the religious spectrum. A Thomas Nelson hardcover. (Oct.)Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Contents The Life Of Barack Obama: A Chronology....................xiIntroduction....................xiii1. To Walk Between Worlds....................12. My House, Too....................293. Faith Fit for the Age....................494. The Altars of State....................795. Four Faces of Faith....................1016. A Time to Heal....................129Acknowledgments....................145Notes....................149Bibliography....................157About the Author....................159Index....................161