The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book

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Author: Patricia Barnes-Svarney

ISBN-10: 1578592186

ISBN-13: 9781578592180

Category: Dinosaurs

Featuring more than 600 questions about dinosaurs—such as What dinosaurs are thought to have evolved into birds? Did dinosaurs travel in herds? and Where and what is the Dinosaur Freeway?—this fun-filled fact-book provides a wealth of information on the lives and habits of these astonishing creatures. From the Tyrannosaurus rex to the Stegosaurus, the guide profiles numerous species, chronicling their time on earth and exploring their roles in archaeological expeditions...

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Featuring more than 600 questions about dinosaurs—such as What dinosaurs are thought to have evolved into birds? Did dinosaurs travel in herds? and Where and what is the Dinosaur Freeway?—this fun-filled fact-book provides a wealth of information on the lives and habits of these astonishing creatures. From the Tyrannosaurus rex to the Stegosaurus, the guide profiles numerous species, chronicling their time on earth and exploring their roles in archaeological expeditions and museums today. Delightful and intriguing, this comprehensive record includes the debates still surrounding the origins and fate of these creatures that dominated the earth for millions of years but seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. Dig: The Archaeology Magazine for Kids Succinct, well-researched answers, photos and a Further Resource section make this exactly what it says, 'a smart reference.'

\ Dig: The Archaeology Magazine for KidsSuccinct, well-researched answers, photos and a Further Resource section make this exactly what it says, 'a smart reference.'\ \ \ \ \ Midwest Book ReviewOffers even more information that is sure to keep the interest of any dinosaur lover, young and old ... a fine addition to any community library science collection.\ \ \ American Reference Books AnnualSimply and accurately written, it presents material in an easy-to-use and readable format. The title promises handy answers and it delivers them.\ \ \ \ \ National Science Teachers Association RecommendsThis collection of questions and answers about dinosaurs . . . lends itself to finding specific information in short sections. It will fascinate and motivate readers. Whether they read this book at length or just browse through it, readers will find it to be an excellent SOURCE: of fundamental knowledge about an interesting subject.\ \ \ \ \ From the Publisher"Simply and accurately written . . . presents material in an easy-to-use and readable format. The title promises handy answers and it delivers them."  —American Reference Books Annual\ "Offers even more information that is sure to keep the interest of any dinosaur lover, young and old. “The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book” is a fine addition to any community library science collection."  —Midwest Book Review\ "Succinct, well-researched answers, photos and a Further Resource section make this exactly what it says, 'a smart reference.'"  —Dig: The Archaeology Magazine for Kids\ "This is a good book for the general reader and for public libraries."  —American Association for the Advancement of Science's Science Books & Films: Your Online Review Guide to Science Resources for All Ages\ "This collection of questions and answers about dinosaurs . . . lends itself to finding specific information in short sections. It will fascinate and motivate readers. Whether they read this book at length or just browse through it, readers will find it to be an excellent source of fundamental knowledge about an interesting subject."  —National Science Teachers Association Recommends\ "Excellently-designed. The style is always clear, somewhat condensed, and, fortunately, not oversimplified. A helpful and enjoyable gift to all amateurs and undergraduate students, who are interested in dinosaurs." —Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie (December 2011)\ \ \ \ \ \ VOYA\ - Marilyn Brien\ The student who simply cannot find enough information about dinosaurs will be delighted with this book that has an amazing wealth of information about dinosaurs. The place of the dinosaur in geologic time, theories about the origin and extinction of dinosaurs, anatomy and physiology, descriptions of various dinosaurs, and paleontological methods are all a part of this work. It is really a comprehensive study of dinosaurs, even if the format is asking simple questions. Many of the answers are indeed brief, such as when identifying a specific dinosaur. Other answers, such as comparing the largest and smallest dinosaurs, give rather in-depth answers. The colorful illustrations and lively text provide great browsing for students interested in dinosaurs. Instructions on how to find dinosaur bones and how to study dinosaurs will certainly appeal to a potential paleontologist. Several suggestions on resources for further dinosaur study are also valuable, but the lack of either a table of contents or an index limits its use for locating specific information both in the classroom or for personal study. Reviewer: Marilyn Brien\ \ \ \ \ Children's Literature\ - Heidi Hauser Green\ Most children share an interest in dinosaurs. Along with that come questions about dinosaurs. Well, here are the answers in a text that will be accessible to advanced readers or parents of younger children. What are the oldest-known fossils? What were the teeth of a Tyrannosaurus rex like? The answers to these and many, many other questions can be found in these pages. But the book doesn't stop there; it is a wide-ranging, ambitious text. Just consider the section headings: "Forming Fossils," "Evolution of the Dinosaurs," "Triassic Period," "Jurassic Period," "Cretaceous Period," "Dinosaurs Inside and Out," "Dinosaur Behavior," "The End of Dinosaurs," "Dinosaur Connections," "Dinosaur Discoveries in North America," "International Dinosaur Discoveries," and "Learning More About Dinosaurs." Readers will appreciate the book's thorough index, as well as the topic-specific and audience-specific lists of books it provides. For the true dinosaur aficionados, guidance is given about paleontology as a career path. This is an exceptional resource on an engaging topic. Reviewer: Heidi Hauser Green\ \ \ \ \ School Library JournalGr 7 Up—This revised question-and-answer book was not designed for life in a children's room. While some of the answers are simple enough, others are for adults. For example, one of the definitive characteristics of a dinosaur is described as " elongated deltopectoral crest on the humerus...and a well-developed ascending process on the astragalus," phrasing that is all but unapproachable without a scientific dictionary. However, dinophiles willing to sift through the text armed with said dictionary will find a lot to satisfy them, including the last chapter, which leads to information on digs, excavation techniques, equipment, fossil preparation, and educational requirements, plus a heap of further readings (many adult) and Web sites. Many small photographs and computer-generated images and some reproductions are scattered throughout, as are information boxes expounding on more common questions. A serious, often scholarly examination of a fascinating topic.—Patricia Manning, formerly at Eastchester Public Library, NY\ \