The Idea of a University

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Author: John Newman

ISBN-10: 0300064055

ISBN-13: 9780300064056

Category: College Education

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No man was ever better qualified to write such a book as The Life of a University than Cardinal Newman was. And the subject has never been more pressing than it is today. In this classic, Newman poses a number of important questions: What is the purpose of education? What does it mean to be educated? What is the role of a university? What is the relationship between learning and the life of a society? And where does Catholicism fit in?The issues Newman examined with incomparable insight continue to be relevant today, one hundred and fifty years after it was first published. This book has been recognized as probably the greatest of its kind, and no one interested in the relationship between religion, learning, culture and politics can afford to neglect it.

Preface     viiPreface to the original edition     xiUniversity TeachingIntroductory     3Theology a Branch of Knowledge     17Bearing of Theology on other Branches of Knowledge     37Bearing of Other Branches of Knowledge on Theology     60Knowledge its Own End     83Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Learning     103Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Professional Skill     125Knowledge Viewed in Relation to Religion     148Duties of the Church towards Knowledge     175University SubjectsChristianity and Letters. A Lecture in the School of Philosophy and Letters     199Literature. A Lecture in the School of Philosophy and Letters     215English Catholic Literature     236In its relation to Religious Literature     236In its relation to Science     238In its relation to Classical Literature     244In its relation to the Literature of the Day     254Elementary Studies     264Grammar     266Composition     277Latin Writing     288General Religious Knowledge     296A Form of Infidelity of the Day     304Its Sentiments     304Its Policy     312University Preaching     323Christianity and Physical Science. A Lecture in the School of Medicine     342Christianity and Scientific Investigation. A lecture written for the School of Science     365Discipline of Mind. An Address to the Evening Classes     385Christianity and Medial Science. An Address to the Students of Medicine     405