The Most Valuable Man-A Priesthood Leader in the Home

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Author: George Durrant

ISBN-10: 1599360608

ISBN-13: 9781599360607

Category: Christianity * Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints

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This book is not about you being a good elder’s quorum president, or bishop, or stake president. It is about something more important. It is about you being a priesthood leader in your home with your family. Priesthood leadership at the church is important, but priesthood leadership in the family is vital. “While at General Conference a few years ago, I walked to the Relief Society Building. As I approached the room where the displays were, a sister distributing handouts asked me, ‘Are you a priesthood leader?’ I paused to consider her profound question, and then I replied, ‘I believe you would have to ask my wife and children to answer that question. They are the ones who know.’” Robert Bryson One Sunday afternoon, I was with my family in the back yard talking and eating homemade ice cream. It was nearing the time when we were to get ready to go to Sacrament Meeting. My eight year old son said, with a pained tone in his voice, “We were at church all morning. Do you want us all to go back to church again tonight?” “Yes.” I replied. “Why?” he asked a bit defiantly. I quietly took time to consider his question so that I could give a good reply. My daughter, Kathryn, who was six years old, did not need time to think. She answered, “Because Dad is a priesthood man. That’s why.”