The Night Before Christmas In Colorado

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Author: Sue Carabine

ISBN-10: 0879059974

ISBN-13: 9780879059972

Category: Christmas -> Poetry

Santa receives a letter from Tommy, a young boy who doesn't know if he believes in Santa Clause. Nick knows he must help him and takes him for a sleigh ride all over snowy Colorado. Does Tommy believe?

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Santa receives a letter from Tommy, a young boy who doesn't know if he believes in Santa Clause. Nick knows he must help him and takes him for a sleigh ride all over snowy Colorado. Does Tommy believe?

'Twas the night before Christmas a short while ago In the snow-beautiful state of Colorado.\ The kids were brimming with anticipation,\ Their folks concentrating on Yule decorations!\ They knew that St. Nicholas was packing his gear,\ For he and his reindeer would soon arrive here.\ This state had to be his most favorite place\ 'Cause Christmas is visible in each little space.\