The Open Cannon: On the Meaning of Halakhic Discourse

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Author: Avi Sagi

ISBN-10: 0826496709

ISBN-13: 9780826496706

Category: Jewish Law

In this groundbreaking study Avi Sagi outlines a broad spectrum of answers to important questions presented in Jewish literature, covering theological issues bearing on the meaning of the Torah and of revelation, as well as hermeneutical questions regarding understanding of the halakhic text.\ This is the first volume to attempt to provide a comprehensive map of the available views and theories concerning the theological, hermeneutical, and ontological meaning of dispute as a constitutive...

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About the Author:Professor Avi Sagi teaches at the Department of Philosophy of Bar-Ilan University. Israel. and is the founding director of its Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute, Israel

Acknowledgements     viiIntroduction     1The Monistic Outlook     11Preface     13Halakhah Follows Bet Hillel: The Rejected Option in Monism     17Why does Halakhah follow Bet Hillel?     17The rejected option as 'words of God'     18Monism: The 'Valid Decision' Concept     31Correspondence positions     31Approximative positions     37Acceptability as the criterion of the right decision     41Monism: Dispute and the Concept of Revelation     54The meaning of dispute     54Halakhic truth and revelation     60The Pluralistic Outlook     67Preface     69Revelation and Halakhic Pluralism     71The realistic model     71The anthropological model     72The authoritative model     80The Limits of Halakhic Pluralism and the Nature of Halakhic Inference     88The limits of halakhic pluralism     88The ontological status of halakhic decisions     90The validity of halakhic decisions and the minority position     93Halakhah Follows Bet Hillel: The Pluralistic Version     100Following thequantitative majority     101Bet Hillel's moral advantage     105The Harmonic Outlook     109Preface     111The Union of Opposites     113Zadok ha-Cohen of Lublin     113Judah Loew ben Bezalel     114Halakhah follows Bet Hillel: the harmonic version     116'Reality Knows No Opposites'     119These and These Are the Words of the Living God: Halakhic Values     127Preface     129The Religious Value of the Quest for Truth     131Isaac Jacob Reines     131Hayyim Hirschensohn     135Hayyim Volozhiner     137Monism and the value of the quest for truth     141The religious purpose of halakhic discourse     143'Torah Shall Go Forth Today... That Had Not Gone Forth Yesterday': The Value of Innovation     146Yom Tov Lipmann Muelhausen     146Hayyim b. Bezalel     149Moses Samuel Glasner     153The meaning of halakhic innovation     158On Dispute and Authority     163Preface     165Dispute in Halakhic Culture: Historical Phenomenon or Constitutive Element     167Dispute as a historical phenomenon     167Dispute as a constitutive element     176'These and these': between toleration and pluralism     183On Authority and the Duty of Obedience     192The epistemic model of halakhic authority     192The deontic model of halakhic authority     200Attempts to reach a balance     205Authority and the status of dispute     207Concluding thoughts     210Bibliography     219Index     231