The Personal Bankruptcy Toolkit

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Author: Daniel Sitarz

ISBN-10: 1892949423

ISBN-13: 9781892949424

Category: Bankruptcy Law

A complete guide to filing for Chapter 7 personal bankrupcty, this book contains everything necessary, including clear and understandable instructions, worksheets, and official federal bankruptcy forms that are provided as computer-fillable PDF forms that perform the complex mathematical calculations for the user. The appendix provides details of the bankruptcy exemptions available in all 50 states and Washington D.C. The enclosed CD also contains Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Part of Nova's...

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A complete guide to filing for Chapter 7 personal bankrupcty, this book contains everything necessary, including clear and understandable instructions, worksheets, and official federal bankruptcy forms that are provided as computer-fillable PDF forms that perform the complex mathematical calculations for the user. The appendix provides details of the bankruptcy exemptions available in all 50 states and Washington D.C. The enclosed CD also contains Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Part of Nova's new Legal Toolkit series.

How to Install Personal Bankruptcy Simplified Forms-on-CD 8Chapter 1 Understanding Bankruptcy 9An Overview of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy 10Non-Dischargeable Debts 11Understanding Chapter 7 Bankruptcy 12Other Types of Bankruptcy 14Chapter 13 14Chapter 11 15Chapter 12 15Changes in the New 2005 Bankruptcy Act 15When Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Isn't the Answer 21Chapter 2 The Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Process 26Attending a Credit Counseling Course 27Filling out Your Draft Bankruptcy Forms 28Determining Your Exemptions 30Calculating Your Eligibility for Chapter 7 Using the Means Test 30Filling out the Official Bankruptcy Forms 32Filing Your Bankruptcy Papers 34The Creditors' Meeting 33Attending a Personal Financial Management Course 34Your Final Discharge 35Instructions for Married Couples 35Checklist of Actions for Obtaining a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy 37Checklist of Schedules, Statements, and Fees for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy 38Chapter 3 Gathering Information for Your Bankruptcy 40Bankruptcy Questionnaire 42What Are Your Assets? 42What Are Your Debts? 51What Is Your Monthly Income? 54What Are Your Monthly Expenses? 55Chapter 4 Using The Bankruptcy Forms-on-CD 57Forms and Files Provided 58To Access Adobe PDF Forms 60To Fill in Forms in the Adobe Acrobat Reader Program 60Technical Support 61Chapter 5 Filling out the Bankruptcy Forms 62Instructions for the Voluntary Petition (Official Form 1) 65Instructions for Page 1 of Official Form 1 65Sample Page 1 of Official Form 1 68Instructions for Page 2 of Official Form 1 69Sample Page 2 of Official Form 1 71Instructions for Page 3 of Official Form 172Sample Page 3 of Official Form 1 73Instructions for Exhibit D of Official Form 1 74Sampel Exhibit D of Official Form 1 76Instructions for the Schedules for Official Form 6 78Instructions for Schedule A 78Sample Schedule A 80Instructions for Schedule B 81Sample Schedule B 83Instructions for Schedule C 86Sample Schedule C 88Instructions for Schedule D 89Sample Schedule D 91Instructions for Schedule E 93Sample Schedule E 96Instructions for Schedule F 99Sample Schedule F 101Instructions for Schedule G 103Sample Schedule G 104Instructions for Schedule H 105Sample Schedule H 106Instructions for Schedule I 107Sample Schedule I 110Instructions for Schedule J 111Sample Schedule J 112Instructions for the Continuation Sheet 113Sample Continuation Sheet 114Instructions for the Summary of Schedules (Official Form 6-Summary) 115Sample Summary of Schedules 116Instructions for Statistical Summary (Official Form 6-Statistical Summary) 117Sample Statistical Summary 118Instructions for the Declaration Concerning Debtor's Schedules 119Sample Declaration Concerning Debtor's Schedules 120Instructions for the Statement of Financial Affairs (Official Form 7) 121Sample Statement of Financial Affairs 125Instructions for the Statement of Social Security Number[s] (Official Form 21) 136Sample Statement of Social Security Number[s] 137Instructions for the Chapter 7 Individual Debtor's Statement of Intention (Official Form 8) 138Sample Individual Debtor's Statement of Intention 140Instructions for the Application to Pay Filing Fee in Installments (Official Form 3A) 143Sample Application to Pay Filing Fee in Installments 145Instructions for the Mailing List of Creditors' Names and Addresses 147Instructions for the Application for Waiver of the Chapter 7 Filing Fee For Individuals Who Cannot Pay the Filing Fee in Full or in Installments (Official Form 3B) 148Sample Application for Waiver of the Chapter 7 Filing Fee 151Instructions for Debtor's Certification of Completion of Instructional Course Concerning Personal Financial Management (Official Form 23) 155Sample Debtor's Certification of Completion of Instructional Course 156Instructions for Notice to Individual Consumer Debtor under Section 342(b) of the Bankruptcy Code (Official Form B201) 157Sample Notice to Individual Consumer Debtor 158Instructions for Statement of Current Monthly Income and Means Test Calculation (Official Form B22A) 160Sample Statement of Current Monthly Income and Means Test 174Chapter 6 Completing Your Bankruptcy 182Filing Your Bankruptcy Papers 182The Creditors' Meeting 187Surrendering Your Property 188Complete a Personal Financial Management Course 189Your Final Discharge 189After Your Bankruptcy 190Appendix A State and Federal Bankruptcy Exemptions 192Appendix B Federal Bankruptcy Courts 253Appendix C Approved Credit Counseling Agencies 280Appendix D Approved Debtor Education 295Glossary of Bankruptcy Legal Terms 309Index 315