The Physics of NASCAR: How to Make Steel + Gas + Rubber = Speed

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Author: Diandra Leslie-Pelecky

ISBN-10: 0525950532

ISBN-13: 9780525950530

Category: Automobiles

Every NASCAR fan – at one time or another – asks the same question: Why isn’t my favorite driver winning? This is your chance to discover how much more there is to NASCAR than “Go fast, turn left and don’t crash.” If you’ve ever wondered why racecars don’t have mufflers, how “bump drafting” works, or what in the world “Let’s go up a pound on the right rear and add half a round of wedge” means, The Physics of NASCAR is for you.\ In this fast-paced investigation into the adrenaline-pumping...

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Foreword   Ray Evernham     ix\ Preface: The Physics of What ...?     xi\ Bones of Contention     1\ Skin Care     21\ Makeup     35\ Combustion     51\ Power Play     71\ The Wizard and the Flying Car Problem     91\ Running with the Pack     105\ Texas Motor Speedway at 150 mph     119\ Sound Thinking     135\ The Rubber Hits the Road     145\ Shock Therapy     161\ The Two-Lap Dash: A Qualified Success     173\ Keeping Drivers (and Fans) Alive     189\ Making Racing SAFER     199\ Practice Doesn't Always Make Perfect     213\ Elliott is Hot     229\ The Locusts in the Pit Box     241\ The Checkered Flag     259\ Notes     267\ Acknowledgments     275\ Index     277