The Portable Machiavelli

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Author: Niccolo Machiavelli

ISBN-10: 0140150927

ISBN-13: 9780140150926

Category: Major Branches of Philosophical Study

In the four and a half centuries since Machiavelli’s death, no single and unanimously accepted interpretation of his ideas has succeeded in imposing itself upon the lively debate over the meaning of his works. Yet there has never been any doubt about the fundamental importance of Machiavelli’s contribution to Western political theory. The Portable Machiavelli brings together the complete texts of The Prince, Belfagor, and Castruccio Castracani, newly translated by Peter Bondanella and Mark...

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Introduction: An Essay on Machiavelli Note and Acknowlegments Machiavelli: A Selective Bibliography of Translations, Editions and Criticisms The Private Letters\ The Prince\ The Discourses (abridged)\ A Fable: Belfagor, The Devil Who Took a Wife\ The Mandrake Root\ From The Art of War\ The Life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca\ From The History of Florence