The Princess and the PMS: The PMS Owner's Manual / The Prince and the PMS: The PMS Survival Manual

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Author: Elizabeth Goodman

ISBN-10: 0976152614

ISBN-13: 9780976152613

Category: Women's Health - General & Miscellaneous

This hilarious and empowering TWO-BOOKS-IN-ONE delivers a one-two punch to PMS! The Princess and the PMS: The Owner's Manual and The Prince and the PMS: The Survival Manual (on the flipside) pack a double-dose of humor, encouragement and cutting-edge advice to anyone who suffers from premenstrual misery. These books answer every question women have about their cycles, and every question men are dying to ask but not willing to die asking! \ \ Alongside real-life anecdotes and belly laughs, the...

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This hilarious and empowering TWO-BOOKS-IN-ONE delivers a one-two punch to PMS! The Princess and the PMS: The Owner's Manual and The Prince and the PMS: The Survival Manual (on the flipside) pack a double-dose of humor, encouragement and cutting-edge advice to anyone who suffers from premenstrual misery. These books answer every question women have about their cycles, and every question men are dying to ask but not willing to die asking! Alongside real-life anecdotes and belly laughs, the women's side includes a team of best-selling medical, nutritional and alternative medicine experts to balance the "just-between-us-girlfriends" humor with sound advice, while the men's side appeals to shorter attention spans featuring cartoons and bottom-line manly advice on dealing with premenstrual princesses. The Princess and the PMS offers solutions for every symptom from ankle-swelling to zits. Unlike other PMS guides, while there's strong emphasis on the physical, this book pays real attention to the emotional issues that arise monthly. Whether you're anxious, weepy, grumpy, lose your self-esteem, or find yourself fighting with everyone but the cat, the authors help you find a way out of the sadness and the misery. You'll nod your head at familiar scenarios, find solace that you're not alone and better yet, you'll find practical strategies to manage the monthly malady. The Princess and the PMS/The Prince and the PMS does double-duty by supplying practical information for both sexes, while tossing in hilarious "time of the month" jokes to get guys onboard, so they'll stop asking stupid questions like, "Would sex make it better?" Throw it . . . or give it to someone you'll no doubt love again in a few days.