The Second Ring of Power

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Author: Carlos Castaneda

ISBN-10: 0671732471

ISBN-13: 9780671732479

Category: US & Canadian Literary Biography

ENTER THE SORCERESS! \ Back from the abyss, Castaneda encounter his greatest test on the journey towards impeccability and freedom: to outwit and overpower the sorcery of Doña Soledad, herself transformed from a defeated and meaningless life to a warrior, a hunter and a "stalker of power."\ Now the combat will begin. Now the journey will continue. Till the last danger is faced...the final paradox embraced.

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ENTER THE SORCERESS!Back from the abyss, Castaneda encounter his greatest test on the journey towards impeccability and freedom: to outwit and overpower the sorcery of Doña Soledad, herself transformed from a defeated and meaningless life to a warrior, a hunter and a "stalker of power."Now the combat will begin. Now the journey will continue. Till the last danger is faced...the final paradox embraced.

\ The New York Times\ Praise for the groundbreaking work of bestselling author Carlos Castaneda\ "Extraordinary in every sense of the word."\ \ \ \ \ \ Los Angeles Times\ "An unparalleled breakthrough... Remarkable\ \ \ Chigago tribune\ "Hypnotic reading."\ \ \ \ \ Chicago Tribune\ "It is impossible to view the world in quite the same way."\ \ \ \ \ Detroit Free Press\ "Excquisite... Stunning... Fresh, unexpected visions with the logic of dreams."\ \ \ \ \ The New York Times Book Review\ "Taken together [Castaneda's books] form a work among the best that the science of anthropology has produced."\ \