The Story of the Bible: The Fascinating History of Its Writing, Translation & Effect on Civilization

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Author: Larry Stone

ISBN-10: 1595551190

ISBN-13: 9781595551191

Category: General & Miscellaneous Bible Studies

In 1844 a German scholar traveled ten days by camel to a monastery guarded by the 1,100-year-old skeleton of a janitor, where the scholar discovered the world’s oldest complete copy of the New Testament.\ In 1947 the oldest complete manuscript of Hebrew Scripture disappeared in Syrian riots. Part of it was later recovered, and a full page and a fragment were also discovered in Brooklyn, New York.\ In 1536 William Tyndale was burned at the stake for the crime of publishing the New Testament in...

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A beautifully illustrated, hands-on history of the world's best-selling book.With a highly readable and colorful narrative, The Story of the Bible covers in a sweeping panorama the writing and transmission of the Bible through the ages. The writing of the Old and New Testaments, the canonization of the Scriptures, and stories of those who gave their lives to make the Bible available in common language-all are reported clearly and reverently with the power of anecdotal illustrations. Readers encounter page after page of engaging illustrations set in a highly designed journey chock-full of removable documents.